14 | Prom and Apartments

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You woke up the next morning and your first thought was 'It's gonna be so awkward at school'. Hopefully Sans doesn't remember anything. Grabbing your backpack and waving by to Grillby, you ran outside and towards your school, huffing and puffing through the humid air. Stupid global warming and it's uncomfortable temperatures.

You ran into the school courtyard and saw your friends under their usual tree talking and laughing. You looked at Sans and saw that he looked perfectly normal. You walked up and Papyrus was the first to notice you. "Y/N! I HAVE TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR TELLING ME LAST NIGHT ABOUT SANS PASSING OUT." You weakly smiled. "No problem." Sans turned to you with a sheepish smile on his face. "yeah, sorry 'bout that. i didn't do anything stupid while i was... ya' know... right?" You shook your head, starting to sweat. "Nope, you just kinda stared off into space." You lied. Thank god he didn't remember.

The bell rang and you jumped, caught off guard. Sans chuckled and started walking off to class, you jogging to catch up. So if he didn't remember what happened last night, he would also forget about you hitting him with a broken chair leg. You snorted. Now that you thought about it, it was kinda humerus. "Oh my god." You muttered, raising a hand to your face. Sans looked over and raised a non-existent brow. "something wrong?" You sighed and dragged your hand down your face. "I just made a skeleton pun in my head while talking to myself." Sans snorted. "looks like i'm rubbing off on ya'." You huffed and tightened your backpack straps. "Unfortunately."

Sans chuckled and you both walked into class and sat down in your usual seats. You rested your head in the palm of your hand as Ms. Toriel walked in, smiling at the class and starting today's lesson.

• • •

After another dreadful three hours of school, you finally made it to your favorite subject—lunch. You walked over to your usual table and sat down with your friends, pulling out your lunch and starting to eat your sandwich. Mettaton and Alphys seemed to be excitedly talking about something but you were too lazy to listen.

You took a drink of your water just as Mettaton turned towards the rest of you with an excited smile. "Guess what darlings! Prom is this Friday!" You choked on your drink. Sans snickered while you tried to cover your mouth and swallow the water without getting anything wet. Papyrus grinned. "REALLY? WAIT... WHAT IS 'PROM'?" Alphys smiled. "I-It's like a dance where e-everyone in school goes to a-at the end of t-t-the year." "WOWIE! PROM SOUNDS GREAT!" Mettaton smiled at Papyrus seductively. "And you're supposed to go with someone as a couple~" Papyrus blushed while Sans looked like he wanted to Gaster Blast the robot. You sent an amused look at Sans who just rolled his white pin-pricks, a scowl on his face.

So prom, huh? That sounded pretty cool to go to, you've never really been to a school dance. And if you get lucky, maybe you'll be able to go without Mettaton forcing you to go with someone. Yeah right. The bell rang again and you packed up your bag, slinging it over your shoulders to head to class. You'd have to think about prom later, right now though, your scheduled another three hours of torture and then work. Oh joy.

• • •

Today was the day that you'd be looking to buy a new apartment. You buzzed with nervous energy as your contractor stopped his car in a parking lot next to a neighborhood of apartments. You climbed out of the car and looked around, seeing a small garden with vibrant plants inside a clear and refreshing swimming pool a few meters away. You looked back up at the large building where all the apartments were and followed your contractor upstairs as he led you to a vacant apartment.

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