01 | A Place to Stay

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It had been three months since the death of your parents. You had run away from the city you had lived in and had chosen to get as far away from it as you could. You had entered different towns and cities but nobody was kind enough to help you out even a little. Rude.

Your throat burned as you breathed in the chilly night air. For the past two days you had been walking through barren lands with no trees or buildings in sight. All that was there was grass and the sky. You were running low on supplies and your clothes were dirty and torn. You looked up at the sky and saw millions of stars. You continued to walk as you looked up, a small smile on your face as you recognized different constellations. Stars seemed to disappear from your vision and your brow furrowed. As you continued to walk, more stars disappeared. What the heck? Was your eye sight messed up?

You finally tore your eyes away from the sky and saw what had caused the stars to disappear. City lights. You were filled with joy as you quickened your pace, thinking about hot food. You saw a large shape loom behind all the buildings and you squinted. Oh, looks like the city came with a mountain. Cool. You entered the city and walked down the streets, not seeing anyone outside. That was good. A few bars were open and you looked inside each one to see that they were packed with drunks. Yeah, uh, no. You sighed and moved onto bar after bar, trying to find one that didn't have many people inside. You finally found one and sighed happily, opening the door to 'Grillby's'.

Walking inside, you saw a group of dog monsters surrounding a table playing cards. You walked past them and up to the bar where a flame monster stood cleaning a glass. He smiled when he saw you but it quickly disappeared. "Miss are you okay?" He asked, concern in his crisp voice. You nodded and plopped your backpack next to the bar stool that you had sat down on. "Uh, can I get a burger with fries and a water please?" You asked. The flame monster walked off into a room that you assumed was the kitchen. You rested your arms and chin on the bar, closing your eyes and exhaling.

You must've dozed off because the next second you were being shaken awake by the flame monster. You sat up, still half asleep, when you noticed the food in front of you. You grinned and started to eat, shoving the food into your mouth and savoring the amazing taste. You wolfed down the burger and took a drink of water. After you had devoured your meal, you reached down to your bag and pulled out your wallet. "How much will it be?" You asked, pulling out the remaining bills you had left. "$9.57." He replied while picking up your empty tray and setting it next to the sink. You bit your lip and your heart sank as you counted your money. You didn't have enough. Shit.

"Um, I'm sorry I don't have enough money, uh, is there any way I can–" "Don't worry about it. I can tell you've been through a lot." He smiled kindly. Your chest filled with relief and you smiled, putting your money away. "Thank you sir!" He chuckled and picked up a rag. "The name's Grillby, although you probably already knew that." Of course his name would be the name of the bar. Duh. "Thank you again, Grillby." You hopped off the stool and picked up your backpack, slipping it onto your shoulders. You started for the door when you felt a hand rest on your shoulder. You turned and saw Grillby with a hopeful smile on his face. How was his hand not burning you? "You can pay me back by working here. I could use the help." A job? That actually didn't sound too bad. Grillby seemed nice and you did owe him.

You nodded and smiled. "Sure, I'd love to work here. Thank you again." He chuckled and stood up to his full height. "I can let you crash here as well if you don't have a place to stay. I've got an empty room in the basement that I don't use." You were shocked at his kindness and generosity. Trying not to stutter over your words, you thanked him yet again with a huge grin on your face. You need to stop saying 'thank you' so much. It's getting annoying. You followed him behind the bar and to a door inside the kitchen. Grillby opened the door to reveal stairs leading down. He turned on the lights and you followed him down, feeling the temperature decrease. You and Grillby reached the bottom is the staircase and walked down a small hall that had three doors. Two of them were open and you peeked inside to see one with a large freezer and the other with boxes of food products. Grillby opened the third door which was empty except for a carpet and chair.

"I apologize for not having a bed, will the chair do?" He asked, looking over at you for an answer. "It'll do perfectly, sorry for thanking you so much but I really do mean it." You gave Grillby another smile and set your bag down next to the chair. It was quite large and looked to fit three people. "I'll be upstairs in the building if you need me, goodnight... er–" "Y/N." "Y/N, that's a lovely name." You blushed at his compliment as he walked away. He's so nice. Looking around the room, you noticed a plug outlet. You grinned and grabbed your backpack, digging though its contents until you found what you were looking for. You walked over and plugged in the charger into the outlet. You stuck the charger into your phone and set it down to charge. Yawning, you walked back over to the chair and zipped up your bag.

You sat down in the chair and curled up, wrapping yourself in your second and cleaner jacket. Maybe you could finally stop running away and settle down in this city. You smiled at the thought and soon your exhaustion took over and you fell into a dreamless sleep.

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