19 | The Underground

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Your eyes fluttered open, half-lidded as you gazed up from the abyss you had fallen in, warm sunlight dancing across your face. You blinked slowly before you narrowed your eyes, remembering falling from a fatal height. It seemed that you had survived the fall, and it also seemed that you didn't suffer any injuries that you should've gotten.

The universe actually likes you for once? What a shock.

You let out a painful huff from your sore muscles as you sat up to look around at your surroundings. You looked down and saw golden flowers, their petals a vibrant yellow that look too soft to touch. So the flowers had cushioned your fall. How is that even possible? You know what, you learned years ago not to question logic.

You looked back up from the ground and saw a limp figure a few feet away. Your eyes widened and you let out a panicked squeak before quickly crawling over to the limp skeleton. You folded your legs underneath you before shaking Sans, a worried expression displayed on your face. "S-Sans? T-Time to wake up." You shook him again. No response. His face was slack, eye sockets closed like he was sleeping and his mouth slightly open. You leaned down and rested your head on his chest, listening for any heartbeat. Wait. You mentally slapped yourself for being stupid. Skeletons don't have heartbeats.

You raised your head back up and shook Sans again, harder this time and let out a relieved cry when you heard him groan and slowly open his eye sockets. His white pin-pricks rested on you, confusion on his face. "...y/n?" You smiled at him and embraced him in a hug while he let out a surprised yelp. You let out a quiet sob as you held him tighter. "You idiot. You aren't supposed to jump down after me." Sans chuckled at your words and hugged you back, rubbing circles on your back to comfort you.

After a few minutes of just hugging each other, Sans pulled away and looked you in the eye. "so... all this time..." You realized what he meant and nodded a bit sheepishly. "Uh, yeah... I understand if you don't want to be friends since I guess I'm not who you expected me to be." Sans gave you a surprised look. "you can't be serious, you think i'm gonna stop being your friend because i find out that you've been myst all this time?" You hesitated before nodding sheepishly.

You both sat in a bit of silence before you finally came back to your senses. "Sans? Where are we?" You asked, looking around the large cavern. "oh, we're in the underground." He replied coolly. You turned to him, your eyes wide. "The Underground? Like the one the monsters were imprisoned in?" Sans nodded and stood up, holding out a hand that you graciously took. He hauled you up and you brushed a few flowers off of you, several of them stuck in your white hair.

"Can you teleport us outta here?" You pointed up where rays of sunlight shone down. "We fell last night and have probably been unconscious for a few hours. Everyone'll be worried." Sans nodded and took your hand. "close your eyes." You did as he said and closed your eyes, waiting for Sans to teleport you both out of there. A few moments passed before you heard Sans let out a frustrated huff. You opened one eye and looked over at him. "Something wrong?" Sans raised a hand to his skull and dragged it down his face.

"i forgot about what alphys told me." You raised an eyebrow. "What did she tell you?" Sans let go of your hand, letting it drop to your side. "even though the barrier is broken, the only way you can exit it is through the broken barrier. i can't  teleport us out." You realized what he was saying. "So we'll have to go through the entire Underground to get outta here." Sans nodded. "i can teleport us most of the way there though, but not that far," He let out a laugh. "i guess paps was right, i am a lazy bones." You chuckled and smoothed down your messy hair before looking around the cavern. "So... where do we go?" Sans grinned at you and held out an arm. "follow me m'lady." You chuckled and took his arm, letting him lead you into the darkness. "Dork."

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