Chapter 25| The Manipulation of Trusted Men, and the Hospitality of Others

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I just realized that Vic constantly calls Kellin 'Angel', and my name is listened as Kay Angel. That's a fucking coincidence tho! My middle name just happens to be Angel!

Also can I get some more funny comments? That's like the best part about updating man

And about the last update, my friend had to write an autobiography for English class, so I decided to be nice and write it for her :3

Btw I started my first day of high school today!!!


Kellin's POV

I arrived at Vic's apartment at 1:00pm, holding a small wrapped painting and a rose in hand. It was his birthday today and I wanted to surprise him. I wished I could get him something else but... Vic was insanely rich. He already owned so many nice things, it's not like anything I could buy could compare. I guessed my painting would have to be enough.

I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. I didn't get a response so I knocked again, louder. Still, no answer. I knocked a third time and someone finally opened the door, only it wasn't Vic. The guy looked up to me, half asleep. I eyed up his body, noticing his lack of shirt, before back up to his face.

"Uh-um. Is this Vic's apartment?" I asked nervously. Why was a half naked guy answering Vic's door at 10am? I suddenly felt stupid asking if it was Vic's apartment. I mean, of course it was Vic's. I'd been her plenty of times.

"Who's Vic?" The guy asked, eyeing me up and down like I just did.

"I...the guy who lives here?" I said wearily. Even though I had been here so many times I was beginning to feel anxious that I could be wrong.

"Ohh. Is he a short Mexican guy with a nose ring?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. That's him." I nodded quickly, clutching the wrapped painting close to my chest.

"Ok. You his friend?" He asked, then looking at the flower. "More than a friend?"

I nodded, shyly. I didn't know this guy and I didn't plan on getting to know him either. He made a face and nodded. "Cool," he said, walking away from the door and back into the apartment. It was completely trashed. There were bottles of alcohol littered everywhere throughout the living room alone, and at least two guys sleeping on the couch. To say I was slightly worried would be an understatement. I wouldn't stop him from having fun, but whenever he got drunk I worried. He even admitted to me he driven under the influence a few times, which actually really scared me.

I made my way to his bedroom door, pushing it open slightly to see that all the lights were off and he was sleeping peacefully. That was such a relief. I came in the room, quietly, looking down as I closed the door behind me. I put down the painting and flower down and turned to face the bed, tip-toeing towards it when I realized something. Vic wasn't alone.

Next to him was a shirtless Jaime, with his arm draped over his side, his chest firmly against Vic's back and his face nuzzled in the crook of Vic's neck.

At first I didn't know what to say. I felt so many things at once, that I was truly speechless. I felt my eyes well up in tears, and then I saw Jaime snuggle closer to Vic and I lost it.

"You cheated on me?!" I screamed, throwing my hands over mouth in shock. Vic began to open his eyes slightly and they locked onto me.

"Mm, Kellin? Hey what's-" he stopped talking when he looked slightly to the side to see Jaime. "What the fuck!" He yelled, pushing Jaime away from him, causing him to fall onto the floor with a thud. The blanket was still wrapped around Vic's waist and he had pulled them down onto the ground with him, revealing that Jaime was not just shirtless, he was naked. And to make it all worse, he had an erection as well. "Ew! Jaime what the actual fuck are you doing in my bed!" Vic screamed.

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