Chapter 12| I Wish I Had All of You

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Ugh! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! There are many reasons for this, the main one being in distracted with other story ideas lol. I know this and the last chapter are just cute fillers, but something more interesting will happen next chapter. But, for the most part there's just gonna be cute filler chapters, but I promise they're still important for the story. I'm hoping to get this story to 20 chapters, hopefully more btw. And be patient on the smut my children, it's gonna be a while, so sit back and get comfy 'cause there's fluff everywhere.

Vic's POV

I lied on my couch, looking up at the ceiling. I decided to myself that for once in my life, I was completely and utterly bored. Usually when I felt a spark of boredom coming on I'd call up Jaime and we'd go off to get drunk and fuck random people, but obviously I couldn't do that anymore. Sure, I could just go out drinking, but I don't think I trust myself enough to keep my hands off any hot young thing that walks by. I had already texted Tony, Jack and Alex, but they were all busy with their own lives. Jack and Alex were going to some stupid amusement park for their cheesy anniversary and Tony had made plans with another person already. Well, it's a good thing I have a sweet little boyfriend to call up.

I located his contact quickly, which I had changed from 'Priority to Fuck' to simply just his name. It rang once and I greeted him. "Hey baby."

"Hey Vic, as much I would love to talk to you, I'm at work right now. I have to go..." Kellin said. I sighed; he was my only hope!

"Nooooo, baby please. I'm bored as fucking hell right now. I need entertainment in some shape or form, and you're my favorite kind of entertainment," I said, hinting sexually at the end of my sentence. Though he couldn't see it, I wiggled my eyebrows and bit my lip.

"Babe, not now. As much as I complain about work, I need this job. I'm sorry..." He said with sadness in his tone

"Ugh, I can give you money y'know. You don't need a job," I replied. Seriously, he has a loaded boyfriend yet he still works at that stupid little hipster record store. I'd gladly give him all the money he wants, but he barely even let's me buy him dinner. He's so hard to deal with sometimes.

"Vic, I'm not just gonna give up my job for you. I don't need your money; I can support myself."

I groaned in frustration. Money was the most plentiful thing I had, and I couldn't do shit with it when it came to Kellin. Suddenly, I had an idea on how to spend time with him today. "Hey babe, where's that store again?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't catch on to my genius plan, and thankfully he didn't.

"It's on the corner of 4th and 5th, why?" He asked, sounding confused.

"No reason babe, I guess I'll just find someone else to keep me company," I said, adding an overdramatic sigh at the end.

"Okay, maybe I'll see you after I get off, but I really have to go now. Sorry babe. Bye," he hung up before I could even say another word. I smiled to myself and pulled myself off of my couch. I grabbed my keys and headed to the door. I'll be seeing him quite soon.


I found a place to park my car and began walking up the street until I saw the store standing on the corner of the street. I've never actually been inside the record store; I mean, vinyl is outdated. Why would I even need a physical album? Whatever, hipsters pay good money for that crap. I walked inside the store to see gorgeous little Kellin standing at the register, looking about the store. After he heard the bell from the door ring he turned to see his new costumer, obviously surprised that it had been me.

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