Chapter 6| The Things That Stain My Walls

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Vic's POV

I needed ideas for a date, and they were the only people I knew who can help. I knocked loudly on Alex and Jack's door, waiting for an answer. I stood there for a few moments before knocking again. Still, I got no response. I groaned and turned the door handle, revealing that it was unlocked. Fuck it, I'm going inside. Maybe they're just upstairs and can't hear the door.

I walked into the their house and shut the door behind me. I peeked into the living room and kitchen, but obviously they weren't there. I then heard noises being made from upstairs and decided to go up and see if they were the ones causing them. I trekked up the stairs and walked down the hall, approaching their bedroom. I opened the door without a second thought, and immediately regretted it.

Jack was on top of Alex, moaning and grinding into him. Wonderful, they're fucking... Alex screamed when he saw me and pushed Jack off. He grabbed the blanket and quickly threw it over their sweaty naked bodies. "Again Vic?!" Alex said angrily, covering his face from embarrassment.

"Yeah dude, what the fuck?! How did you even get in here?!" Jack asked angrily.

"Your door was unlocked," I replied, shrugging.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked.

"I need more advice on the Kellin kid," I explained to him.

"Do you mind ringing the doorbell?" He asked. I shrugged again.

"I can let you guys finish up if you want. I'll head downstairs," I told them.

"Yes! Go away!" Jack exclaimed, angry with me. I rolled my eyes and left the room, closing the door behind me. I went downstairs and sat on their couch, waiting for them to finish.

Suddenly, the loudest moan I've ever heard filled the house. And that was the moment I remembered they were one of those couples. I sat there, pretending that I didn't hear anything. I even started to become scared after a few minutes, actually. It sounded like someone was getting murdered! After what felt like 2 hours, a now clothed Jack and Alex made their way down the stairs.

"Sounds like you were giving birth up there," I said, my words directed at Alex. His face flushed a bit red, but still him and Jack sat down on the couch across from me.

"So what do you want this time? And for future reference, just send me a fucking text man!" Jack said.

"Ok, so I've been kind of a dick to Kellin the past few days."

"Not a surprise," Alex muttered, obviously not intending me to hear it. I sent him a glare but continued to explain.

"I want to make it up to him tomorrow, but I don't know where to take him," I finished.

"Can't you, just um, ask him?" Jack asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, I kind of, told him it'd be a surprise," I replied, a bit embarrassed.

"Well then, what does he like?" Alex asked. "If he has any specific interests, maybe do something related to that."

"Uh, I don't know, he's big on art I guess."

"Hmm, you could take him to an art gallery?"

"Eww. Those things are so stupid. I'd rather just fuck his brains out in the backseat of my car," I told them, not wanting to go to some dorky art gallery in the slightest.

Alex sighed and shook his head. "Will he like it Vic? Even if you think it's lame, he might really enjoy it."

"Ugh, why does he have to be so goddamn needy!" I groaned in aggravation.

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