Chapter 14| Apologizing, Snuggling and Becoming an Angel

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This chapter is dedicated to BLURRY_FACE_3  Happy Fucking Birthday :3


Vic's POV

I stared back at Kellin in complete and utter disbelief. Did I hear him correctly? I felt nervous but mostly confused... How did he know? Did he know, or was he just bluffing? Calm down. He was probably just paranoid of our friendship and he's asking questions because he's drunk. I decided to just keep my cool, and try to stay calm.

"Kellin, where is this coming from?" I asked confusedly. I sounded calm, but on the inside I felt like I was going to puke. If he actually knew that I slept with Jaime, I didn't know what he might do. It wasn't exactly cheating but...maybe he considered it cheating. He just folded his arms over his chest and stared me down, waiting for me to do something - anything. No words left his mouth, but his eyes told me enough to let me know that he was somewhat disappointed.

"Kellin...I want to know why you're asking this." I said, trying to sound confident but failing as my voice quivered towards the end. Fuck.

"I saw some texts." He stated simply, not moving from the position he was in. What did he mean by that?

"Are you telling me...that you went through my phone?" I asked, a little angry at his mistrust. He didn't say anything else. However, his eyes wandered downwards from me to the floor.

"Kellin, what the hell is wrong with you! You just went through my phone without my permission and now you're accusing me of cheating on you?!" I retaliated, which I soon realized was not a good approach.

"That's the only thing I could think of after reading that shit he sent you! And now it's really fucking obvious that something happened because of the way you're acting right now!" He raised his voice and he looked back up to me.

His eyes were filled with so much disappointment, sadness, mistrust... I swore I could feel my heart break a little. A took a shaky breath and looked down at the mattress. I couldn't look at him; it was heart breaking. I had lost, and I admitted that to myself. I couldn't lie to him anymore, it wasn't fair. I took a sip of my beer and his eyes become glassy, a single tear falling from his eye.

"It was before we were officially dating sweetheart... We got drunk and, I was scared. I was falling for you, the first person pretty much ever, and I had no idea what to do with those feelings. I didn't want them, so I fucked him." I explained, my voice a bit shaky. I was terrified of what he might do. After opening up like I did to him, I couldn't imagine how I'd react if he ended things.

He looked down once again, trying to avoid any eye contact with me. "How am I meant to know if you're telling the truth or not?" He croaked. "For all I know you could be lying to me. How do I know that you're not still trying to get into my pants, like you said you were before?"

"You think I'm lying about my feelings so I can fuck you? Kellin, I don't know if you were listening a few hours ago, but I told you something no one else on the face of this shit stain of a planet knows. I've never trusted someone with something like that before! You mean so much more to me, than a good fuck. And I wish you could see that, but you probably can't. Because I'm just a horny little party boy, who doesn't now how to love. Guess what Kellin, I know what feelings are and you're the first person I've really ever had them for! I fucked Jaime because I was afraid of what would happen if I fell for you!" I yelled slamming my beer down onto the side table and getting up from the bed.

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