Chapter 4| The 'Man' of the Relationship

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Vic's POV

"So, I'll be seeing you on Christmas then? I'm so sorry that we're away for Thanksgiving," my mother said over the phone. My parents had moved back into our old home from when I was a child and bought all of the surrounding property. They wanted to be as secluded from the rest of society as possible.

"It's fine mama, I told you, Christmas is in like 2 months," I reassured her. My parents, especially my mom, felt the need to see me a lot, and with them moving, it had become difficult. My dad and her had come to visit in the beginning of October which was only a few weeks ago.

"Oh, Viccy, I know sweetheart, but it's just, we haven't seen each other in a while." I smiled sweetly when she my nickname. She was the only person who had ever called me that, and I prayed to God it stayed that way. As sweet as it was, it was extremely also embarrassing.

"Mom, you flew down here, like 2 weeks ago" I reminded her, but she kept going.

"Yes, but I'm your mother..." I then heard somebody speaking in the background. "Your father needs something, I have to go... Love you Vic."

"Love you too. Tell papa I say hi," I said to my mother as I hung up the phone. My mom was probably one of the nicest people in the world, and I truly wasn't lying when I told Kellin that I've always loved my parents. They literally gave me whatever I wanted. It was a huge perk of being rich.


I waited outside Kellin's door after just knocking, prepared for our 3rd date. God, he was so clingy, I couldn't believe he asked me to meet him another date already. Well, it was kinda good I guess; this meant I could get him to like me faster. Therefore, he'd want to sleep with me sooner. I checked my pocket to make sure I had the condom and lube still stored away. I know I predicted I'd get him on the 4th date, but hell, after that make out session I was sure he'd be ready.

He opened the door, and surprise surprise, his clothes had paint stains. "Are all your clothes dirty?" I asked, pointing at the obvious marks.

"Oh, yeah. I was...just painting," he said nervously, looking down from my gaze.

"Yeah, so the place we're going to is pretty fancy, do you think you could change into a suit and tie," I asked, a little nervous that he just didn't own nice clothes at all. I honestly wouldn't be that surprised.

"Oh, uh ok. Just give me a minute to change," he said, going back into his apartment to change, closing the door in my face. Ok fine, don't invite me in... After an annoyingly long wait, he stepped out, wearing slacks, a white button down shirt, a black tie, and a blazer. Honestly, he looked really good. The clothes had no paint smudges or wrinkles. He noticed me checking him out, and looked down shyly.

"So uh, where are we going?" He asked, trying to prevent me from looking at him further.

"Just this nice place downtown, I've been there a few times. It's really good, actually. One of those places that has like a world-renowned chef and all the ingredients are from some place nobody's heard of," I explained to him as we made our way down the stairs.

"Aren't those places like, kind of expensive?" He asked, unsure.

Kellin, Kellin, Kellin, that's the point!

Hopefully by going to this restaurant he'd see that I've got the power in this relationship, and he'd stop trying to pay for everything.

"And? I'll pay, don't worry," I replied. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again and shook his head. We headed outside and walked towards my limo. I thought it'd be a good idea to use my parents limo. I was sure it'd really sell the whole 'I'm rich, I'm the dominant'. Speaking of which, his eyes widened when he saw my 'car'. It was working! I felt the need to let him know about the money I had.

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