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two like, actually serious updates in a row. i need to get my shit together so i can start writing about non-important shit again.

on the episode of 'issy's mental breakdown' we're going to talk about something that doesnt get addressed enough - friendship break ups.

i've recently lost two good friends of mine, simply because we've changed as people.

in the first instance, its because she over reacted at something pretty insignificant, then she started turning everyone i know against another friend of mine. its a petty, stupid argument and i can't stand it. the worst part is, i don't even know how to tell her i can't be friends with someone who manipulates people to go against someone based upon some bullshit rumour.

the second is the one thats the worst. my best friend. she just...started ignoring me. she's changed so much, she ignores me to go off with other groups of friends and changes her personality completely around them. it seems...childish, to be so hurt over something that seems so small. but i can't put it into words, its not betrayal (obviously) because they haven't gone against you - its not hidden, its in plain sight, its literally just because they become uninterested.

i'm a petty person at times, i can hold grudges for years. i wish i was above all that but i'm not - i get angry over tiny things and i find it hard to forgive people. i wish i wasn't so angry at everything but i am. and that's that.

its just been a tough few weeks. i'm going back to school tomorrow so hopefully that'll take my mind off it.

tell me, does anyone know what i'm talking about? am i insane? sorry if you're rolling your eyes at me.

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