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so i was talking to one of my friends and the topic of gender and sexuality came up.

i, myself, am very confused about my sexuality but i identify as female.

she asked me what bisexual and pansexual were and i simply explained it like this:

imagine you're walking down the street and an equal amount of people walked down the street, some of them identify as male, some female, some are trans, some are agender and some aren't really anything.

as a heterosexual, everyone from the opposite gender (i mean who identifies as that gender) that you identify as are the only ones you can see.

as a homosexual, everyone who is the same gender and who identifies and the same gender as you are the only ones you can see.

as a bisexual, anyone who identifies as male or female are the only ones you can see.

as a pansexual, you can see pretty much everybody.

this is all definition-wise.

sexuality is a rough outline of who you find attractive, it doesn't limit you or confine you to like a certain gender or person.

and no, if a person is anything other than heterosexual or homosexual, they are not 'confused' or 'just gay'. its not your place to tell them what they are and aren't.

now, onto gender.

gender and sex are different. sex is to do with how you were born and chromosomes but gender is how you identify.

i am cis, therefore i identify as the gender i was born.

if you identify as the opposite gender, you are transgender.
*someone messaged me to kindly tell me that anyone who doesn't identify as the gender they are born as are considered transgender, sorry for my ignorance x*

if you dress like the opposite gender but do not identify as that gender you are a transvestite. theres a fucking difference. learn it.

if you aren't any gender, you are agender or non-binary.

and if you're sometimes a girl, sometimes a boy or sometimes no gender at all - you're genderfluid.

*someone else messaged me saying that i left out bigender and thats when you identify as two genders and they can be any two genders...again, sorry for my ignorance x*

they're all real. none of these are fake. be respectful of other people's pronouns.

if i've left any genders or sexualities out, or gotten anything wrong, please educate me in a calm and polite way. i am still learning.

thank you to those who have helped me already!


of course there are other sexualities i never mentioned like demisexual (when you only form a sexual attraction to a person if you're in a close relationship) or asexual (when you're not sexually attracted to anybody).

so please, be kind and make sure you're talking to people in a respectful way - especially about this subject x

also, news flash to any ignorant people out there: yes, people can use they/them pronouns without it being plural. its not that fucking hard.

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