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happy new year! its 2016 and i'm here to tell you my goals n stuff for this year

1 - saying no more (resolution)
alright so this sounds terrible but lemme explain -

my goal for 2015 was to say yes to people more and put people first instead of myself and to an extent i did that - but what ended up happening is i would act as a counsellor for people i barely like and when thing went wrong for them they'd blame me. does that make sense? probably not. makes sense in my head.

i ended up feeling stressed about problems that weren't even mine, yknow? and that sucks. i don't wanna feel like that.

2 - be more open with people (resolution)
here it is - i like guys and girls. probably not a shock. i also dress like sam winchester which makes me look like a stereotypical lesbian. which i'm fine with.

so i gotta tell more people that and stuff bc i'm trying to be more honest. also, tell people stuff how it is. be raw. don't sugarcoat it. stuff like that.

3 - actually eat healthier (resolution)
so like...i'm actually going to try and make this happen this year. hopefully it will. its up to me when it comes down to it, i just dont know how i'm gonna live without all the sugary sweets. but i'll do it eventually.

4 - maybe start a story? (goal)
it'd be nice to write a story, not a fanfiction or whatever, an actual story. would any of you be interested?

5 - meet ed sheeran (goal)
self explanatory, i need to meet the love of my life.

6 - go to more concerts (goal)
i went to so many concerts in 2015 and i loved saving up and getting tickets and then going, the excitement, the vibe and the show itself. i hope fall out boy come to dublin again, i know they're on break and stuff but y'know. it'd be cool. ooh, i also hope panic! come to dublin. and tøp. and halsey. and - basically a lot of people need to come to dublin.

so thats it! be sure to leave your resolutions/goals in the comments x

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