35 - RANT #6

344 32 21

periods fucking suck.

somebody commented the other day that i hadn't made a rant about periods. so here i am.

periods are different for everybody but they're the same damn thing: you bleed out your wing wang for 3-8 days

on top of that. you might experience headaches, cramps, insane cravings for food that you may not have had since your holidays last summer, inexplainable (is that spelled right?) mood swings and many other crazy things that have nothing to do with shedding your womb lining

like why the fuck do women have to go through this? yes i do get it, its all to do with 'the creation of life' but why do we have to start this shit as a young teenager?

there's this whole thing about teenage pregnancy - wanna know why its a problem? BECAUSE OF UNSAFE SEX AND THE FACT THAT GIRLS START THEIR PERIODS AS YOUNG TEENAGERS

i'm now angry

i hate life


thats a lie i don't hate life i just hate periods

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