68 - RANT #15

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so this is a brief explanation as to why i have been MIA: i was feeling really down and uninspired so i just didn't feel like writing. shocking!!! issy has feelings!!! i know this fucks with my whole 'im trying to be funny and relatable' vibe but im serious, i just wasnt feeling the whole life thing for a while so i didnt partake in anything that would have an impact. sorry friends x

hello everybody its issy here with another rant/anecdote/trying to be dan howell installment

so i recently got glasses which is pretty cool because now i can use the mobile version of wattpad and i'll be able to see what i'm writing! probably won't prevent any typos or mispellings because while it has enhanced my eyesight i am still a deeply flawed human being

but with glasses comes a lot of getting used to stuff, i have to make sure i wear them for certain things and make sure i clean them and keep them in their case and remember them and just ugH so much responsibility

and it all sounds so silly, and you're probably thinking 'issy stfu you're being dramatic' to which i say you're right but i also didnt ask therefore i dont care

but i have already enquired obstacles and lemme tell ya i am NOT happy with them

1 - i cant drink hot drinks without them fogging up. im drinking tea while i write this and i have to keep wiping my glasses because they keep fogging up. the struggle is real.

2 - i somewhat look like a suburban soccer mom. at first it was a joke but now its starting to take a toll on my self esteem, every time i put my glasses on i feel like i have to take down my hair so i look my age.

3 - snapchat filters are glasses bias. they dont fucking work unless i take my glasses off! how rude. i shall have to complain. brendon urie probably knows my struggles.

so yes, these are the struggles i have encountered with glasses. let me know anything you struggle witn to do with glasses, or not to do with glasses if you wanna share that too

sorry that i was gone, but heres a short chapter to try make up for it xx

y'all should hmu on instagram so like i you wanna follow me i'll give you my username okay cool bye

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