60 - RANT #14

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okay hi sorry this is the exact same rant as the rant in simply fangirl 2 alright just a heads up

okay whats up today im ranting about one of my former favourite bands 5 seconds of summer

so if you've been living under a rock and or do not have any platform of social media you may not have heard about the 5sos rolling stones interview

it was disgusting

all they talked about was sleeping with girls and partying, they talked about women as if they were objects and they bragged about how many girls they've slept with

luke literally talked about how he slept with multiple girls at the same time

girls are not objects. girls are not trophies. girls are not something to brag about. girls are people. men are people. non binary folk are people. people are equal.

so in this day and age where a band is talking about girls they've slept with and they have a mostly female impressionable young audience this whole interview didnt go down well

just a reminder: if any of the girls they slept with were drunk (and they most likely were) 5sos have committed a crime. drunk consent is not genuine consent, meaning they have possibly raped girls.

like, what the fuck? imagine how many girls jumped at the chance to sleep with them, and then when they wake up beside them and whatever band member they slept with doesnt give a shit about them they become damaged? this person that you idolise only wants you so they can fuck you? like...imagine how much damage that has caused on that girl

i have met 5sos, and i met them in early 2014 before they became huge and they were so damn nice. i am so heartbroken and appalled by this.

and then theres their lack if response! they arent even owning up! what fucking cowards!

michael's tweet means nothing. he didnt apologise. he didnt deny. he literally just stated that they left out the nice bit of the interview.

news flash for ya buddy: even if they had talked about fans it still would have gone down the same way!

so 5 seconds of summer are self absorbed assholes.

makes you wonder, doesnt it? like, one direction are probably the same. and thats so shitty.

i am so pissed. if you're still a fan of 5sos after this then just unfollow me. im done with this band. like actually done.

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