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i need to get this written out into words or im gonna go insane. alright hear we go, everything i need to tell you but everything you dont want to hear.

you are gorgeous. not model-pose-in-your-underwear-gorgeous. gorgeous as in beautiful. holy shit, you are one of the prettiest girls i have ever seen. i love the little crinkles at the side of your nose when you smile. or that thing you do when you get excited, when you dont say proper words and just make weird noises while moving your arms spastically. its so cute. so fricking cute. oh lord.

tell you what else is cute? your height. i know i slag you all the time but i'm able to rest my chin on your head and thats so cute. its adorable. you have so much sass and its compressed into your small body and i think its funny when you get really mad over silly things.

i hate it when you fight with your girlfriend, i really do. i hate seeing you upset and stressed because even though relationships are a lot of work they're meant to be easier than that. and its not your fault, or your girlfriend's fault, its just how it is. i know. it just sucks so see you upset.

i was so tempted to kiss you during fallingforyou. i'd never do it coz im a wuss and im not a home-wrecker but holy shit. you looked so fucking pretty in that weird beige dim light they had during the song. in that moment all i saw was you, which is sappy and im pathetic but its true.

im so whipped. you could ask me to chop off my hand and i'd probably do it. please dont try it though because i like my hands. and i know you didnt want to hear any of this but i needed to tell you before i went mad. so thats all. okay thank you for your time.


a letter to one specific person who will hopefully never read this. im a sap okay goodnight

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