Grown A Custom

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  Grown a custom!
I have grown a custom to holding back my tears, my thoughts, my soul. 

I may have talent and the world may never know or maybe they will. 

I hide behind my smile my eyes tells the story my lips tells the lie. 

A great artist, writer or painter shows detail. 

Justifying the feel of the surface, the surroundings . 

Like how the wind blow with the soft scented rose petals waiting for two skins to touch. 

Maybe my words can run deep without thought, i can relate.

 Its so easy hiding,. its so easy smiling, its so easy saying everything's is ok when you know deep down your world is falling apart.

keeping me to myself is what i'v grown a custom to.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since this was really short I added a funny bonus 


If you find yourself in love remove yourself immediately.

It is like antique's in a garage sale it is the thing that everybody wants and no one has. 

It travels in a dark Red cloud looking for its prey. 

To the ones who think they have found it, it eats away at them with the words it say.

Ripping the floor with the marks it leaves taking the breath of the one who believes. 

Ruthless like no other kind of passion. 

It only cares about its self and how many it can get to fall right into its trap.

 It is a vicious man hunting spell almost everyone falls to.

 It is the blackest, darkest, coldest feeling mankind could ever portray.

Though they say its worth everything it brings, my definition of love is none other than what I believe.

 Bitterness beyond my taste, Darkness pass the universe,colder than antifreeze. 

Some thing most think is worth its wild i think its just pure INSANITY!

....Sike! I Love the Idea of Love ♥  

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