Does My Sexiness offend You

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Does My sexiness offend you ?

Does the way my thighs rub against each other make your stomach weak ?

Does the way I glide through a room with no care in the world of what you think about me make your reason for staring less powerful?

My sexiness is my own and I'm not afraid to let you know that I am who I am.

If your closed minded soul cant look pass what the world has told you what is beautiful then i cant help you.

I cant guide you, I cant teach you how to love with blind eyes, I cant show you how to live with free wings.

I can only say it's possible.

I am nothing more then what i was born to be and that's a beautiful person in and out no matter what no one say or think i am.

No one knows all the things I'v gone through to get to this point in my life. this point where it all begin with no turning back and always looking forward.

Does My sexiness offend you ?

I can show that smile that only i can flash.

That voice that only i can speak.

That walk that only i can do.

The laughs that only i can fill the room with.

That touch of my personality that only i can grace you with.

If my sexiness offends you then ...

I don't see how you made it onto my friends list you can delete your self asap please and thank you .....

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