Until I Break

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Hold it ... Don't Break!....Don't Cry. Just hold it in, your stronger then you think,( Until I Break) I tell my self this to keep the tears from falling.

Falling for Fake smiles and sweet words just to make me feel wanted and of worth ( Until I Break) is what I always do to my self.

Self...... I have gotten so used to being by my self that being around someone feels uncomfortable ( Until I Break) and the nerves just come natural to me.

Me, I'm fighting everyday just to look pass my struggle ( Until I Break)  I have to have that better future.

Future.... with someone special , someone gifted, someone connected with me ( Until I Break) he needs to be just as much afraid to lose me as I am of him.

Him, he is the reason why I'm writing these words, why my mind wont rest at night, why my heart feels so empty while its still beating, why when his voice reaches my ears that same empty heart beats faster then ever (Until I Break) and why my soul is seeking rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation of my self with God at my side impossible don't seem so impossible anymore.

Anymore heart aches I suffer just for being who I am and made how I am, I prayed that God will not let the pain last long.

Long ago I couldn't have told you all the messed up things that I have been through in this life     ( Until I Broke) but today or tomorrow they just might flow.

Flowing into a stronger me is a process that I know will pay off after a while.

While I still have your attention I want to say thank you for the good and thank you for the bad because both has made me look at life deeper then most.

Most of all I want to say thank you for reading and stay tune for the MORE.

Most of all I want to say thank you for reading and stay tune for the MORE

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From the Mind Of MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt