Fallen♥ Love

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Falling In Love for me is not a easy thing to Obtain.

My heart is build like the hardest stone, Diamonds sparkling around like a cage in the night.

Love is a pain like no other with all the things that it can absorb.

Life without love is not a life at all but some people let it go, too scare to put up that fight.

Used the wrong way Love can be dangerous.

Advancing in that game of love saying I Love U only for one thing, can run deep, live long, and burn hard without making it Obvious.


A profound tender passion.

A affection from for another person.

A feeling of warmth

A personal attachment.

A sexual passion or desire.

A deep feeling of accecptance by someone special.

Love up - I love Up u like the sun to the sky like the wind to the trees if i had to pick a place to be in your world is where my desire would burn.

For love - I'll cross every bridge i'll swim every ocean I'll climb every mountain with great pleasure just to be next to you.

For the Love of - you ill smile at your jokes even when they not funny ill hold you unconditionally in my heart forever ill do anything to make u smile back.

In Love - My kisses would reach the deepest parts of your soul My hugs would heal the lowest times in your life, and my voice would whisper sweet songs to your scares making them disappear and ready to move on with the rest of your life.

In love with- You ill be that extra shoulder to lay your head on, ill be that extra ear to hear you when you need me too, ill be that extra role model if i have to just to lead you down the path that God has made for you all along.

Make Love- touching the tenderness of your soul taking your body to a whole new level of pleasure and passion a pleasure so good its  painful, a movement so strong the thought of another having what you just found in my love, a war against life and death .

That life wouldn't be a life without the two of us together or the world wouldn't be the same without the connection we have build to last a thousand life times. Oxygen would be hard to breath in, if our love was ever lost in a Ungodly way.

Love is the Affection you give me to be devoted to you forever in a day ♥

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