Chapter Twenty-Seven: Plenty Of Time To Talk

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Plenty Of Time To Talk

It took Derek and Aislinn a total of six days of my constant nagging to finally listen to me and go to Aidenn.

After spending the whole night filling my brain with everything I needed to know about the chakras, I was finally convinced that Aidenn was right. The next day I went to him for training. It wasn't easy, but I could tell he was going light on me because I wasn't used to it.

Aislinn and Derek started going to him too and used their periods only for fighting and training. I personally think Aislinn is going to him only so she has the excuse to physically hurt him; even though her words could cut deeper than any punch ever would, and she knew it too.

Neither of them seemed to want to talk to Aidenn about why he left or what happened when he was gone. They didn't ask anything about the chakras and it seemed to me like I was the only person thinking about which chakra was my weakest one.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Aidenn asks, as I block one of his punches.

I shake my head and wipe the sweat from my forehead, "what exactly are you talking about? I've got a lot of things I need to figure out."

Aidenn rolls his eyes, "I'm talking about your chakra, Skye, that's really all I care about. No offense but I'm not concerned about the trouble you're having in paradise."

I fight the anger in my chest and kick with everything I have in me. The training was actually helping me cope with my darkness in a weird way. It was a way for me to let out my anger without killing anyone, but Aidenn blocks my kick, grabbing onto my ankle and pulling until I'm flat on my back.

I hold up my hand as I breath heavily, signalling for him to stop and lie down completely. He joins me a few seconds later, staring at the white ceiling, transfixed.

"You have to think about it," he presses. "It's the only way to protect yourself. There's no point in me teaching you how to fight if you don't know what you're fighting for."

"I have been thinking about it," I say, not lying, "it's just not that easy. I can't seem to figure it out, I search real deep inside but nothing turns up. I don't know why."

"You have a lot on your mind," he says, not stating it as a question.

"You bet your ass I do," I exclaim, "between Derek and the end of senior year and what to do about my father and my grandparents and the end of the world as we know it, I've barely had any time to breathe."

"The chakras are important," he says in his weird calm-but-forceful tone.

I blow air through my lips. "Yeah, so is everything else. Everyone's expecting so much of me; strongest immortal, leader of our falling-apart-friendship, fighter for the chakras, killer of the monster that murdered our parents, perfect daughter for my grandparents and my father..." I trail, sighing in frustration. "I've already got enough on my mind."

He lies his hand on my arm and squeezes, "what about prom?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I punch him in the shoulder, "I'm not even thinking about prom."

Aidenn stands up and holds out his hand for me to get up too, "you're not backing out of prom," he says firmly. "It's going to be fun. You can forget about your problems for one day, it's not going to kill anyone."

See that was the thing, I had this horrible fear that the one time I let down my guard was going to be the day that something bad happened.

But I don't tell Aidenn that, because that would lead me to having to explain why I feel that way, and I was entirely sure of what I could say in response.

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