Chapter Fourteen: Life Gets In The Way

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Chapter Fourteen: Life Gets In The Way

Staring at her blankly, I try to figure out what she is referring to, but not getting very far before my grandmother bursts into the room, looking around frantically.

"Skylar, what happened? Are you all right?" she asks, her face full of concern and I shoot her a look when I realize she doesn't see Aislinn standing two feet away from her.

"Yea," I say, "I'm fine; she just scared me."

My grandmother gives me a weird look and I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I motion to the place where Aislinn is standing.

"Oh," she exclaims, "I'm sorry, honey, I didn't see you there."

"It's not a problem," Aislinn says sweetly. "Oh, and um, I'm fine too, seeing as I was standing four feet away from her when she screamed in my ear."

My grandmother looks at her oddly, almost as if she were trying to recall an old memory.

"This is Aislinn Futurm; she's a friend from a school." I say slowly.

She stares at Aislinn, her brow furrowed in confusion for a few moments. Then her face softens and she gasps, "Did you say Futurm?"

Aislinn nods slowly.

My grandmother gasps again, "as in Isaac Futurm?"

Aislinn's eyes widen, "that's my uncle; how do you know him?"

My grandmothers smile brightens, "He is a good man; I've known him since I was a child. I haven't talked to him in over fifteen years."

"What happened?" Aislinn asks in curiosity.

My grandmother smiles a sad smile, "the exact thing that happens to everyone after high school, and is probably going to happen to you guys too. We did grow up with each other, he was my best friend, the brother I always longed to have. But then we went our separate ways after high school. He went to college, I went to university, and we married different people, and eventually fell out of touch."

"That's amazing," Aislinn says thoughtfully. "You've known him since he was a child, which means you know what we are?"

My grandmother nods eagerly, "he told me when I told him."

We look at her in confusion, "He told me of his duty in his family because I told him I came from a very long line of powerful immortals. You see, being immortal is very different from foreseers. We do not all get the opportunity to be eternal, which can be a good thing in some ways. For us, it sometimes skips generation. It skipped me, went to my daughter and is now passed down to Skylar. But from what I understand, foreseers do not get the option. They do not have a choice whether they want it or not, and it does not go away if you don't practice, it just weakens, am I correct?"

Aislinn nods at her, "my parents always tried to hide it from us and we didn't practice it, but it was always there. When they died, my uncle took us in, and he taught us to start using our abilities while we still had them. He didn't agree with the way my parents wanted us to live."

My grandmother looks at her compassionately, "he believed he was doing what was right. You need to use your foreseeing abilities, I agree with him on that. When you are in doubt they will always help. Unlike people, that power doesn't leave when things start to get hard."

"It seems like you guys were really close," Aislinn says.

My grandmother cuts her off before she can continue, "we were. He was always there for me when it mattered."

Aislinn looks at her in confusion. "If you guys were so close why did you let other things get in the way of your relationship?"

"Sometimes things like that happen despite how much we don't want them to. Life gets in the way eventually. He had to raise and deal with his family; and so did I."

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