~Thirty Nine~

Depuis le début

           I hadn't cried or even showed any other emotions beside anger, frustration and worry; but with my mother now on the phone, her calming and soothing voice speaking to me, I knew it was ok to let go because after all, I was only human and there was just so many things I could take without losing my mind.

         "Oh Mon Dieu! Don't worry Frederick, dad and I will leave right away and be there as soon as possible, hang on tight." My mom reassured and just knowing that they would be with me very soon brought some peace to my heart.

          I took a long and deserved breath that I slowly let out. "Thanks mom, see you very soon."

       "Je t'aime mon amour."

       "I love you too, mom." I said and finally hang up right before the nurse who had been taking care of Eva walked in her room with me following behind.


           I wasn't sure how long I had been sitting in my car just waiting, but I knew it had been long enough to know that Karlie wouldn't show up at her apartment, just like she hadn't shown up for a week now.

           The police and the private investigator that I had personally hired had also been on her tail for the past week without any favorable results which was incredibly frustrating because she had abducted my child, a newborn that hadn't been seen by a doctor.

           I didn't even know what my baby looked like. Even if my baby was close by with a stranger at this moment, I wouldn't know and that thought on itself was incredibly sad and simply heartbreaking.

          sighing, I checked the time on my watch and seeing as I had spent two hours in this car just waiting for Karlie in front of her apartment building, I decided that it was time to head back to the hosptial and wait until tomorrow to come back, when I saw someone wearing a long coat, a scarf around the neck and an oversized hat walking inside the building.

         My heart jumped. Even though it was almost impossible to tell who the person was by how much disguise they were wearing, I knew it had to be her, I just had a feeling in my guts and I was going to trust this feeling because I didn't have much hope in anything else.

         I straightened into my seat, about to reach for my phone to call the detective that was assigned to the case when I thought better of it and waited. Karlie had come alone, nothing resembling a baby in sight which told me she might have had the baby somewhere or maybe had an accomplice.

          So I waited, she was bound to walk back out sooner or later, and when she did, I was ready to follow her to wherever she had left my child at, praying to God she hadn't harm the  baby.


         A burning desire to step out of the vehicle and go into her apartment after her was overwhelming present and I was about to do just that when I spotted her walking out of the building in completely different clothing and a packet suitcase in hand.

           Closely, I watched as she stopped a cab and stepped in, the vehicle entering the traffic a couple minutes later. And so without wasting anytime, I followed behind, staying close enough but not too close that I would get noticed.

          We drove for over an hour out of the city until finally, her cab stopped at a small motel.  I stopped my vehicle and waited for Karlie to step out of the cab who left a few minutes later while Karlie walked up the stairs to the second floor of the yellow colored motel and knocked on a door.

          I moved my vehicle a little closer to the motel hidden by a few trees to have better view of Karlie who was waiting in front of room until the door opened and out came a man who smiled before stepping away to let her get in before looking towards me even though I knew he couldn't see me.

          "Dexter." I whispered to myself feeling completely shocked and dumbfounded at the turn of events. How the heck do they know each other? And since when?

           Deep down, I knew Karlie didn't have it in her to pulled her little plan all by herself, but never would I have thought in a million years that these two would cross path let alone work together to hurt Eva.

          Keeping my eyes glued to the door that was closed, I reached for my  phone and dialed the detective's number.

               "I found her," I spoke to the other person on the line the second he answered the call.

          "That's great. Give me the address and I'll come down with a few men." Detective Antonio Alvarez replied, a hint of exitement in his voice while he spoke. I couldn't blame him though, I knew that this was amazing progress after a long week of searching for Karlie, we had finally found her.

         "And another thing, she's not alone. She has someone with her. Eva's brother to be precise."

           There was a long silence on the other end until finally the detective spoke. "What do you mean she's with Eva's brother?"

           "Long story, but I will tell you everything once you get here, hurry up." I told him before hanging up, my attention shifting to a vehicle that had just parked in front of the hotel. A young man wearing a shirt with the word Dominos written in bold, with a pizza in hand, stepped out of the vehicle and started walking up the stairs. I quickly got out and ran towards him, apprehending him right as he started walking up the stairs.

          "Hey dude, I think that must be the pizza my friends and I ordered. Is the name on it Dexter by any chance?" I asked and silently thanked God when he nodded.

          What an idiot this Dexter was.

           I decided to play it out then. "Great, man we've been waiting for this for ages, I'm telling you, we are pretty starving," I laughed but the kid looked at me still with skepticism, his brows furrowed in an questioning look.

         "How much do we owe you, man?" I asked, already reaching into my pocket and retrieved a hundred dollar bill which I put in his palm and smiled when he realized how much it was.

         "This pizza is only twenty-four dollars and I don't have any change on me for you, we don't usually carry, sir." The kid said. I shrugged nonchalantly and grabbed the pizza from his hands which he let go very willingly.

         "Keep the change. You deserve it, trust me." I said and the kid smiled happily, thanking me before making his way back to his car. I waited until the kid had left the premises before I went up to the room with the pizza in hand and knocked on the door.

          "Finally the pizza is here," Dexter yelled which could be heard outside the door. I waited, my heart beating uncontrollably fast while he opened the door and the second the door was fully opened, I pushed the pizza in his hands before my fist connected to his face, making him stumble back into the room, the pizza falling out of his hands and landed on the floor.

          I smiled calmly and walked into the room. Karlie, who had been in the bathroom, yelled when she finally saw me.

            "You've been a very bad girl, Karlie, haven't you?" I said, closing the door behind me and stepping over  Dexter who was laying on the floor out cold, towards Karlie who stood there next to the bathroom stunned, unable to move or utter a word.


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