Day Thirteen [Edited]

Start from the beginning

“Aiden found some rogues staying in a cave the other side of his property. It appears they kidnapped Alpha Nicole’s daughter. Hilary took her to the kitchen in the pack house it seems she hasn’t eaten much in a couple days.

“After she eats the five of you can take her home. I’m sure Alpha Nicole will have something to say. Make sure she gets there safely and tell Alpha Nicole that she can come by later to discuss what to do with the prisoners. Aiden I will let your parents know that you are going with them and I will make sure they have a wolf escort to make sure they get there safely.”

Knowing Aiden was safe I asked if we could hang out the next day after they deal with the prisoner. He agreed to meet me at the pack house and so I went up to go to sleep while they left to take care of things with the Nightstar pack.

Brooklyn POV

Aiden had disappeared from the party after the initiation ceremony. I wasn’t too worried because I had seen him with Ash not long ago. Everyone here has been so excited over the triplets. Through the excitement from the music all three of them had shifted and wandered around the party. It was shocking how quickly my family was accepted by Alpha Michael’s pack. Everyone helped keep the kids in the area with us where they were safe. It was like they protected any baby that was around them whether they were wolves or not.

Alpha Michael showed up and told me that Aiden and Ash had to take a young girl to a neighboring pack. Because of some problems they have had in the area they are sending a guy named Cooper Ryan to escort us home. With his company we maneuvered through the trees and back home. I stayed up to make sure Aiden got home safe.

Aiden POV

We crossed over into Nightstar territory and just like when I went to the pack house before I was a member we were met by scouts and escorted to the pack house. Luna Nicole was waiting when we got closer. “Where is Ryker?”

“He is sick so I have been handling his Alpha jobs. What can I do for you guys?” Uncovering Paige's head we showed her to Luna Nicole. We covered her because we didn’t know if she was kidnapped for a particular reason and if she was safe. We found her in a cave just north of here with two rogues. They are both in custody within the Emerald Moon Pack prison. Alpha Michael says that you are welcome to come in and have input on what we do with them.” Ash spoke with a sense of authority and sureness.

“How did you find them?”

“I was exploring around my property looking for something and I came across a cave with still hot coals. After my initiation ritual we went in to see what we could find. At first we thought there were only two people but as we grabbed them we saw Paige and immediately took them into custody. We fed her and then brought her here as soon as we had the okay from Alpha Michael.”

“You are new to their pack?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“He’s Aiden Nairo, Alpha Jonah Nairo’s grandson.”

“It is an honor to meet you. I was a friend of your grandfathers before he passed. He was a good man just like you.”

“Thank you. I wish I would have met him everybody says that he was a good man. I can only hope I follow in his footsteps.”

“Well Aiden you will always be welcome here and so are the rest of you. You brought back my daughter and I owe you big time. Anything you need just let me know.”

“Thank you Luna Nicole. We have to get back soon so we are going to head out. Aiden’s parents are still new to this and I’m sure they are sitting up waiting for him.”  Luna Nicole thanked us one more time before we headed out. I got home just before the sunrise. I tried to be quiet as I went through the door but it didn’t matter mom was up and sitting in the living room. Once she knew I was okay she kissed my forehead and went upstairs to get some sleep. I followed soon after.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now