Chapter 1.

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           "Mark, I don't think this is a good idea..." Mark's brother, Max, pleaded.

The twins stood stiffly in front of the old building. The paint on the walls of the building was peeling off, along with brown ooze drooling down the front. The two front doors were both rusty and rough looking. Along with stacks of long wood planks in front of it - attempting to keep visitors away.

The two twins were both only about two hours apart; Mark was first, and then came Max. There really wasn't a big difference between the two. Except that Mark was more of a muscular guy, with bright hazel eyes and brown short hair. While Max, was more of a skinny guy with dark hazel eyes and short brown hair, (just like Mark's). Max was also the "study bug" type of person. Reading and writing constantly.

His brother also calls him a nerd a lot, only because Max wears big glasses that make his dark green eyes pop.

"Come on, Max." Mark said, groaning in frustration, "I need to know what happened to them. And besides, you are a nerd, you should be the one interested in this kind of stuff. Not me."

"I know...." Max said, lowering his voice, "But.... But what if we get in trouble?"

"Nobody is going to even come here, Max." Mark sighed, walking over and standing in front of Max and staring blankly. "It's not like anyone is going to visit anyways. We'll be fine."

Mark stared intensely at his younger brother, while Max shyly stared back. He (Max), sighed before throwing his small black backpack from his back and threw it onto the ground. Mark descends down in front of Max and scarcely stared and watched his every move.

Max unzipped his small backpack before pulling out two flashlights. He held one in his hand and held it out towards Mark, waiting for him to take it. Mark blinks at the flashlight a few times before taking it from Max. "T-thanks..." Mark said, looking to the side.

Max nods in response before setting his own flashlight right next to him, before closing his book bag up and throwing it back over his shoulder.

He reached into the pocket of his dark purple jacket and pulled out a long scroll. He placed it onto the dirt and gravel that he sat on and spread the sides out, which ended up being a map.
The map provided a few large boxes, built beside each other from a top view. Of course, it was the building that they were going to be investigating.

Max pointed to what seemed like the entrance and started to explain it to Mark, "This is where we are now, and we will go this way..." He said, trailing his voice off and leading his finger across the map. "We can only stay within these areas, only because the rest is restric-"

Before Max could finish, Mark pulls out a large silver hammer and a pistol out from his dark green jacket. "I got us covered..." He mumbled with his head hung low and his hand in a fist over the hammer.
Max could tell that he was in pain, mainly because that his hand was shaking through the muscles of his hands.

Max chuckles to himself before sighing, "You sure are different, Mark..."

Mark eventually sits up and laughs along with Max, "I know."

Rewritten Version: @doodledumpWhere stories live. Discover now