- Where We Sleep Is Where We Dream -

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"You guys had sex?!" Mike spit out his juice and laughed.

"Anahi. What about you and Alan?" He asked. I looked at Tony and he was quiet, like most of the time. "I told you it was a dream- or ugh. I don't know. I don't know." I stopped trying to explain.

"Well, I won't let Jaime take you back to that hospital. I remember reading the letters you would send him. I wouldn't want that to happen again." He whispers.

"Thanks Mike, but I don't think I have a choice." I reply. "You're 19, you do have a right." He informed me. I nod and look back at Tony. Who is slowly falling asleep on the couch.

"Hey well I have to go to work. I'll see you guys tonight. Have a good day." He smiles.

"Bye Mike." I smile as I wave. He closes the door behind him and I'm left in an awkward silence between Tony and I.

I sit down on the opposite couch and I look across the room. "Wanna go watch a movie?" He asks. He moves his hand from his face and I see his owl tattoo. "Which one?" I ask.

"emmm maybe Star Wars?" He asks. 

"The new one?" I ask. He nods and smiles as he sits up in the leather couch. "Um, sure.?" I giggle. He smiled and puts his fists in the air. "Well, lets go." He says.

"There's this really nice Drive-In theater down the highway, if you wanna go?" He asks. "Oh my gosh yes. I wanna go in my pajamas." I giggle.

"Oh.! Me too.!" He bounces from the couch and runs upstairs. A knock is at the door and when I answer it, it's Alan.

"Hey sweet stuff. You never came back." He pouted. "We can't be seeing each other Alan. Stop. Go away I'll see you at your show in a few weeks." I tried to push him out.

He grabs my wrist and shoulder as he pushes me inside the house. He kisses my neck and I smell he alcohol and weed on him. "Get off!" I yell as I attempt to push him. "Come on baby." He begs.

"Get off of m- Tony!" I scream. I hear a door open and see him running down from the top of the staircase. "What?? What's wrong?!?" He asks. "Get him off of m- where did he go.??" I look in front me and Alan isn't there.

"Who? Who's in here?" He asks. "Nothing, I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry." I reply. I tear up when I realize that I am seeing things again.

"Hey don't be sorry. It's okay. Why don't we go to the doctor.?" He asks. I nod and lay my head on his chest. His kindness sparks a warm feeling in my heart and I smile.

"Let's go darling." He holds me hand was we walk out to the car and drive off to the clinic I usually go to.

"Patients name?" The nurse asks.

"Anahi Preciado." I reply.

"And who is your doctor?"

"Doctor Francis." I answer.

"Alright fill this out and he'll call you when you're ready."

Thirty minutes later I'm in the room.

"Alright, we're going to take a drug test and see if there's anything in there, because with the medication you're taking, it shouldn't be reoccurring." Doctor Francis says.

"Injection or cup?" He asks.

Since I'm on my period it's practically the same thing, but it's nasty to go the cup way. "Injection." I reply. He nods as he grabs his materials and wipes the wipe on my arm.

I feel a small pinch and I wince for a second. I see the vile fill up with blood and I cringe at the fact that it's my blood. "I'll be back." He smiles.

He leaves the room and it leave me alone with tony. "I haven't done drugs." I reassure him. His face of concern amuses me. He giggles and shakes his head. "Well then." He chuckles.

Moments later, my doctor comes in with a folder in his hand. "Alright I'm going to read you the list and their results."

And I swear to god that's when my world stopped spinning.

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