Chapter 45

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I could leave the hospital the next day already.
At home I laid the twins into their beds in Aaron's apartment. We just laid them down, when they started screaming. "Oh, hang on!", I said and laid George next to his sister. They immediately stopped screaming and George started looking for Natalie's hand. He found it quickly and laid his on hers. Tears started to fill my eyes and I sobbed quietly. "Hey..." Aaron wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "Don't cry. They're fine, everything is great. You have no reason to cry.", he whispered, his lips still laying on my forehead. I pressed my head against his chest and sobbed. "I love you, Aaron. I love you so so much. Thank you so much for giving me a family.", I whispered.
Aaron smiled against my forehead and kissed it again. Then he let me go and looked at me. "There is nothing in this world I would rather do, than making you happy.", he said smiling and kissed me gently. I smiled widely and replied the kiss. "Let's let them sleep...", I whispered and pulled him out of the nursery.
Well, we were parents. With children. Little babies, so helpless, that I just wanted to hold them all day to protect them. Forever.
Aaron and I decided to get married, when the twins were a little older. Maybe when they would start walking and bring us the rings?
The first week with our twins seemed to just fly by without us really noticing. Our speckles were so calm, they barely woke up in the night, they were just sleeping most of the time. But when they were awake, there was only one thing they wanted to do.
They wanted to cuddle.
Either with each other, with me or Aaron. We often laid them in our bed, while we just looked at them or kissed their heads.
I never thought I could be that happy in my life. And I never thought I could have so much love to give to such tiny human beings. They were just so perfect, how could I live so many years without them? I missed them kicking me, but at least I could hold them now. Our little speckles were finally with us.
Nothing could tear Aaron and me apart, we would stay together forever and love and protect our babies forever.
Well, at least I thought we would, until my mom showed up again...

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