Chapter 9

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Aaron's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, when I finally realized what happened.
A baby.
A real baby.
Scar was pregnant with my baby...
She was carrying my baby...
I looked at her, she was sleeping next to me. I had to smile slightly and carefully got up, trying not to wake her up. She groaned and I froze. She turned on her stomach and continued sleeping. I got dressed and walked to my car. I sat inside and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I dialed a number and I thought about everything that happened, when I heard a sleepy "Hello?", in the other end of the line. "Norbert? It's me.", I said. "Aaron? It's almost two in the morning, what do you want?", he asked sleepily. "I need to talk to you.", I said. "Now?, he asked." "Yes, now. It's urgent.", I just said. He kept silent for a moment, then he sighed. "Okay, fine..." "Great. I'll be at your place in five minutes.", I said, hung up and drove to his apartment.
I thought about Scar for a moment. What if she'd wake up and I wasn't home? What would she think? I arrived at Norbert's house and knocked at the door. He opened some seconds later. "Okay, what is so urgent? I hope you have a good reason for coming here in the middle of the night", he asked still sleepily. "Remember Scarlett? The girl I met in Rome?" He nodded slightly. "She's pregnant." His eyes widened and his jaw dropped a bit. "Okay, that is a good reason. Come in." We entered his living room and sat down on the couch. "She's pregnant?", he asked and looked at me. I nodded. "Puh... wow... that's... quick. I mean, you don't know her for long, do you?" I shook my head slightly. "Six weeks.", I whispered. "Oh, wow. And does she want to keep the baby?" I nodded again. "And do you?" Again I nodded.
"I love her, Norbert. And I feel like this baby is a miracle and would make our happiness even more perfect." He looked at me for a moment. "Then why are you here?" I sighed and looked at my hands. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this." Norbert kept silent for a moment, then he started laughing quietly. I looked at him a bit angrily. "What's so funny?", I asked "Aaron, everything you just told me shows that you are ready.", he said and smiled. "You think so?" He nodded. "I'm sure. You'll be an amazing father." I smiled slightly. "Thank you, Norbert." "No problem. And now go back to the mother of your child, before she notices that you're gone." We said goodbye and I drove back home to Scarlett.

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