The Proposal

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Haru POV:

A week before my graduation, Rin moved in with me. We had a party with all our friends to celebrate. Most of them are supportive. Even poor little Nitori. I know how hard it must be to watch someone you love be in love with someone else. The poor kid...

It's my 18th birthday today, so to celebrate, Rin is taking me back to Iwatobi elementary. We sat underneath the tree that we'd carved 'For The Team' in 5 years ago. The bricks we marked as kids were still vaguely colored.

We talk for hours on end. Rin brought a homemade picnic, made specially for me. It was my favorite. Lemon grilled mackerel with sticky rice and cooked cabbage. (Still hasn't changed...) No one makes this food as deliciously as Rin does.

After finishing our meal, Rin takes me on a walk on the beach. It's just about sunset now and the ocean is beautiful.



"I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now... I know it may be really soon, but I love you more than anything."

"What are you trying to say?" We stop walking and Rin turns to face me. He takes both of my hands in his own and looks directly into my eyes. He was blushing really hard...

"I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms. I want to make your knees go weak whenever you kiss me. I want to see your smile when you look at me. I want to swim with you. I want to cherish you. I want to spend my life with you... I want to marry you."

I gasped. Wait... Is he really... Just then, Rin bends down on one knee and pulls out a small black box. I instantly knew what it was. Rin opened it to reveal two beautiful rings. A silver, and a gold.


"Haruka Nanase. I've loved you for over 5 years now. You are my light, my life, and the reason I swim. I never thought I could be as in love as I am right now. Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

My heart is racing. I start to cry. There's a group of people gathered around us. Rin looks a little worried, because I was crying. But I extend my left hand and said with the biggest smile on my face, "Yes. Hell yes!"

Rin's whole face was a grin. He slides the silver ring on my ring finger and kissed my hand. I placed the gold ring on his left-hand ring finger and brought him up to me. I pull our faces together and hold Rin's neck while his arms are around my waist. We kissed and kissed while the people gathered around us cheer and whistle. By this point both Rin and I are crying, but we still hold eachother in a tight embrace.

Suddenly Rin sweeps me off my feet and carried me back to the blanket bridal style. I can't stop smiling. I thought, This is the best day of my life! over and over in my head.

Needless to say, Rin brought me home, and the room was full of moans and calling of eachother's names...

Sorry for the super short chapter guys! I'll be updating soon! Do not worry my dear readers, there will be one last smut chapter in the very end...😈 I hope you like the soon to be end of my story! Just a few more chapters!!! Ack! Goodbye my lovelies!
<3 Hannah

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