Really Guys?

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Rin POV:

After last night, I'm pretty content to just sit with Haru and watch TV. It is a Saturday after all.

So here we are, just cuddled together on the couch watching Shark week, when three loud bangs hit the door.

"What the hell was that?!" Haru looks not only pissed that our snuggling stopped, but he seems utterly terrified.

"Hey, calm down. It was probably just knocking." Bang! Bang! Bang! Again the noises. I take hold of Haru's hand and walk to the door.

Just about three steps away now, we're still silent. Until the door burst open! In jump a panicked Makoto, Rei, Nagisa, and Gou.

"Guys! What the hell? You nearly scared me to death!" Haru then glared at the 4. This is the 7th time they broke the lock!

Gou's the first to speak. "Haru, You're too dramatic! As for you Onii-Chan, WHY DIDN'T YOU COME HOME YESTERDAY!!!"

"Chill Gou! I live in the school dorms."

"Yeah but you promised you'd come home on Fridays... We all miss you. And when you didn't show up, I called Mako to see if he knew where you were, but he said he couldn't find Haru either! We both started to panic! Don't you two realize how worried we were?!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry I worried you Gou, but I'm really fine! I was with Haru all yesterday. You guys shouldn't worry so much about us."

"Yeah, I mean just because I wasn't at the pool, doesn't mean I've been hit by a car or something! Makoto you really need to stop trying so hard to keep me safe! I'm almost 18 for Pete's sake!" That's my Haru! You tell him!

Makoto starts looking at my Haru with this look like he's extremely hurt by his words. I wanna punch him when he does that!!!

(Side note: in the next paragraphs you see just how much I hate Makoto. Sorry if you like him, but I hate him as much as Sousuke."

"I... I'm sorry guys... I guess I was just a little suprised that I didn't see you at the pool or after our little 'talk'." (In case you don't remember, Haru got lectured because of his lack of focus by Makoto earlier on Friday.) "I should have considered that you could just be at your house..." There he goes again! That look! He's so manipulative!

Nagisa spoke up. "Umm... So what did you guys do that took all day Haru-Chan?" We both blush... "What? Did I say something?"

"No, Nagisa. It's okay. And how many times have I told you to drop the 'chan'?" The situation seems to improve when Makoto isn't being given all the attention. I still wonder why Haru hangs out with that guy. I mean, sure. I used to be his friend too, but then I woke up and saw what a terrible person he is. Can't Haru see that the guy's cruel and manipulative? All he wants is attention. But, if Haru wants to be friends with him, I won't stop him. I'm not that kind of boyfriend.

The group eventually left. Gou went to tell my family that I'm still okay, and Makoto and the other two were the only ones worried about Haru, considering the fact that he lives alone and has no direct family in this area...

"That took a while." Haru appears to be back to his normal self. It's starting to get late now, and we decide to have dinner together.

As I'm looking in his fridge, there really wasn't much in it. Only a few things on the bottom while the top was full of mackerel and bottled drinks.

"Sooo, mackerel it is then!"

"If you don't like mackerel, we can make something else." Why does he look at me with that adorable smile on his face? I remember why I know that look. Haru stares at me like he used to stare at water. He always used to say that water was beautiful... Maybe he thinks I'm beautiful too.

"Really Haru. It's okay. I like fish, and I know how to cook it. Besides, it's your favorite food right?"

He smiles at me again. Before I had any time to react, he came running to my arms, grabs my shirt collar and kisses me. His soft, sweet lips sending warm chills through my body with every touch...

"Haru... Woah. That was... Definately not normal." He looks a little discouraged, but he still held me. "I'm not saying unusual is bad." I throw him a smirk and he smiles again. This time,  I kissed him.

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