I decided...

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Rin POV:

Asleep... So cute. Haru has a right to be tired considering what just happened. Yeah, I might have gone a little too far... I mean, his knees buckled as soon as he stood up!

I finsh preparing the bath with my adorable little boyfriend in my arms. I hold him tightly and sing. Haru once again nuzzled around my left side, searching for my heartbeat. When he found a spot he smiled and his eyes opened.

"Are you awake?" I asked.

"No..." I laughed as Haru closed his eyes and hid his fave in my chest.

"Well that's a shame because our bath is ready." His eyes sparkled and he fake yawned, causing me to laugh... again.

"Okay. I might be awake now."

"You're silly Haru. Come on before the bath gets cold." He nods and I bring him over to the tub. I got in with his back against my chest and his head resting on my shoulder.

"Are you tired? You did kind of fall asleep while I was holding you. Do you want rest after this? We can do anything you want."

Haru sighed and leaned against me. His eyes flitted closed and he turned himself around so that he was sitting on my lap, arms wrapped around my neck.

"Can we just, I don't know. Make breakfast and then go back to bed?" I chuckled.

"Of course. You must be tired. You had a rough night and an even rougher morning. In more ways than one." I smirked and he giggled.

"The last part is your fault mister! It's because of you that I can't stand up." He said this jokingly with a smile on his face. Then he leaned in to kiss me. I gladly accept the gesture and hold Haru's chest to mine as we kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Rin..." He sighs and rests his head against my neck. "My Rin. Mine. For me exclusively."

"What's wrong?" I asked this because Haru's eyes started welling up with tears. "Haru..."

"No one else can have you. Not while I'm still breathing. I won't accept it. I won't let you leave me! I need you! Please.... Please promise me that you'll never leave me."

I made him sit up and looked at him. His face was covered in tears. I didn't know he felt that way. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around him.

"I promise. Haruka Nanase I promise to love you and cherish you forever. As long as we both live.... No. That's wrong."

Haru looked at me, trying to see if I was going to continue, or if I meant something bad. I smiled.

"That's wrong because I'll still love you even when I'm dead. I never want to hurt you, or break your heart. I need you just as much as you need me. So I swear."

Haru smiles and bursts out sobbing. He grips my hair and holds my face to his in an intense kiss. He stood on his knees, still kissing me and cried tears of what I can only assume was joy. The water splashes around us as we hold one another.

I've never been as happy as I am right here and now. Why you ask? Because at that moment, I remembered that Haru was turning 18 in a month. When he turns 18, he will not only graduate from Iwatobi, but he'll be of legal marrying age. My heart burst. At that moment, I decided...

When Haru turns 18, I'm gonna sweep him off his feet and kiss him. I'll get down on one knee and ask him a question. If he answers the way I'm hoping he will, both our lives will change forever...

I'm gonna marry Haru.

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