Chapter One: 'Scratch that, I call dibs'

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"Raven Reyes" I read aloud as I sat between my close friend Octavia and her brother Bellamy, my mum driving the beat up jeep towards Polis City University. Octavia looked up from her phone to glance at the papers I held in my hands.

"Hot room mate, Clarke. You should fuck her" Octavia stated casually, I heard Bell snicker beside me, knowing how much Octavia likes to have a joke around, I glared at her as she snatched the papers from my hands "You know what, scratch that, I call dibs. I'm going to fuck her"

Bellamy suddenly started choking on his sandwich beside me, his face red as he coughed at his little sisters comment. His eyes were glassy with tears and shock, only making Octavia and I laugh hysterically. If there's one thing she loved to do- it was wind up her older brother.

I saw my mum open her mouth to intervene, but her friend Kane gave her a pleading look to let us have our fun, so she clamped her mouth shut, keeping her focus on the road instead. I reminded myself to thank him later on.

"So Clarke" Bell started, turning to face me, face red and his dark eyes glazed with tears from choking "I was thinking we could go check out Polis later? I know these two freshmen who are asked me to show them around- Finn and Murphy. You should come along" He offered, his eyes full of hope.

'Um, Bell? I am here too. You know, Octavia Blake? Your dearest sister who you seem to be forgetting?' O complained in a sarcastic tone, causing her brother to roll his eyes and shake his head. Octavia looked at Ravens details  "Anyway, this says Finn is dating that Raven girl you're sharing a room with, Clarke" She explained.

"I don't know, maybe. Who is your roommate O?" I asked, noticing that she was looking at her own papers now. Lexa Woods. Major: Government and Politics. Hobbies: Reading, writing. I read off the paper, my eyes wondering to the photograph attached of her. She was adorable yet extremely attractive with her brunette hair, sweet smile and a pair of glistening eyes behind a pair of glasses. Although I couldn't make out many defined features due to the poor quality of the photo, which had been printed on a shitty printer from a gas station on the highway when Octavia realised she had forgotten to print out her room mate details.

"OH MY GOD LOOK SHE WATCHES HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER TOO" She shouted, all of us jumping in shock at our friends sudden outburst of excitement. I looked back down at the photograph of Lexa Woods, something about her already intrigued me somehow. I shook it off, telling myself that I didn't even know the girl. It was stupid.


"Holy shit this place is huge" I mumbled in awe as I stared at the enormous campus of Polis City University in front on me. A freshly cut green grass lawn with concrete pathways led up to an enormous building, with huge arches. It looked old, but not too old and reminded me of Stanford University- which had been one of the other universities I has been accepted to, before deciding Polis was the place for me to go.

"C'mon- let's go find your dorm rooms" Bellamy- who was already a student in his third year- grinned as he led us other to register. At the table was a warm smiled, olive skinned man with grey hair, speaking to students.

"Hi there" He smiled, shaking our hands "I'm Sinclair, I am an Engineering Professor here at Polis University. Can I have your names and room numbers please?"

"Octavia Blake" My friend smiled, shaking his hand "I am in room 218" He nodded and fished out her keys, while ticking her name off a list.

"And you are?" He turned to me.

"Clarke 214" I smiled. He nodded as he looked for my key and ticked off my name.

"Well, I hope you both enjoy your time here, maybe I'll see you in class. Goodbye" He grinned, handing me a key as we walked away, practically bursting with excitement as we helped Kane and my mom lug all our bags to our rooms. Bellamy had already brought his bags a few days prior, and so was helping O and I.

You're a Dork- Clexa College AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon