Chapter Thirty-Seven

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  • Dedicated to Luke


The day started out like any other day.

 I woke up promptly at 8 am. This would give me an hour to clean some of the cabin before inspection and to get ready before I had to meet Luke at the mess hall. My day was literally packed to the brim nowadays. I felt like a robot. Ever since I’d gotten back from the quest, my life just seemed so…routine. I guess there was a reason for that. My schedule was as follows:

8am-9am: Cabin inspection/Breakfast

9am-10am: Sword lessons with Luke and Percy

10 am-11am: Archery with Silena, Rose, and Apollo cabin.

11am-1pm: Pegasus Lessons with Silena and the rest of the Aphrodite cabin/ Lunch

1pm-2pm: Monster Assault techniques with Hermes and Ares cabin (this was VERY eventful)

2pm-4pm: Free Choice (I usually spent this time with either Luke or Devin, Percy, Jamie, and Cam, planning for Capture the Flag.)

4pm-5pm: Swim & Beach time with the Naiads and Nereids (this was basically the only time I spent with Cassie).

5pm-6pm: Free Time (again, Luke), Volleyball (I whooped him), Cabin clean up (Silena and Rose made fun of me and made kissy face. Every. Freaking. Time.)

6pm-9pm: Capture the Flag after dinner (one of my favorite things of the entire day).

9pm-10pm: Bonfire and Sing-Along with Apollo cabin (usually spent with Luke on one side and Silena and Rose on the other, with Annabeth shooting us poisonous glances).

10pm: Bed. Lights out by 11. (Well…after Luke walked me back to the cabin and kissed me goodnight.)

The reason I’m sharing my schedule is this: for the first time since I got back from my quest, my entire day was torn apart and shredded by an interruption in the whole thing. What was that thing, you ask?

Well…Luke had other plans for the second last day of camp.

 I met him for breakfast, as usual, after the daily cabin inspection that Silena continuously led. It would probably be the last day she would do it until next summer. Tomorrow, everyone that wasn’t staying year round would be packing their things and be out by noon- unless, of course, they felt like being harpy chow.

 I swear I nearly skipped down to the mess hall that day. I was in a very good mood. I hadn’t been visited in my dreams by Kronos lately. My dad had written me a letter the previous day, telling me that he missed me and couldn’t wait to see me. He also said he was fine, going into very little detail about his visit to the hospital (that I wasn’t supposed to know about) and said he was fine and that he also had a surprise for me when I got home. He ended the letter by saying he missed and loved me and he couldn’t wait to see me tomorrow. I was also happy because…well, I just was. I was in a randomly happy mood. I swear, I tried SO HARD not to skip, but I had very little control over it.

 Luke was leaning against one of the pillars of the mess hall, watching me approach. He smiled broadly at me and, when I was in reach, pulled me close to him in an embrace and kissed me. I smiled and pulled away from him after a second, snatching his hand. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Someone’s happy today,” he commented, smirking at me, “What? Are you happy that you’ll be rid of me for nine months after tomorrow?”

I stuck my tongue out at him. Did he really have to remind me of that now, while I was in such a good mood?

“No, Mr. Rain Cloud, I’m just…in a good mood today. I…got a letter from my dad yesterday,” I said, refraining from saying anything about Kronos, as Luke still didn’t know about it yet, “And…I can’t wait to see him.”

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