Chapter Twenty-Two

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I stared in shock at my leg, feeling the truth leak into my brain.

Luke was working with Kronos. He was betraying me, Percy, and Devin, and Camp Half-Blood and all the people in it.

You will be betrayed by one that calls you a friend….

The line from the Oracle suddenly jumped into my head, and the second I did, I knew this was the meaning. But would Luke really do that of his own free will? He told me he loved Camp, and even though he’d suffered losses, he was strong. And who was Brandon? I kept hearing that boy’s name.

I suddenly remembered how Luke’s eyes glossed over, how his voice suddenly lacked all emotion. Maybe….maybe Luke was brainwashed. Maybe it wasn’t him! Maybe he was trapped inside, fighting to get out, while Kronos used him as a puppet…

While it made me a little happy to know that, if it was true, Luke hadn’t really betrayed me, it also made me very sad to think of Luke trapped inside his own body, unable to fight back against Kronos.

So my tears came out harder, until I was full out sobbing.

Percy and Devin were awake and watching me now, watching me sob heartbroken, helpless sobs. Percy came over and wrapped his arms tightly around me, pressing my head gently into his neck and stroked my hair as I cried.

I felt so helpless, like I was drowning, but my arms and legs were tied together and I couldn’t swim to the surface, to freedom from my burning lungs that were starved of air. Luke was possessed, doing the bidding of the evil Lord of the Titans, while here I was, sobbing my head off like it would make it all better.

Yeah. Right.

Devin came over and tried to talk to me, while Percy held me.

“Hey, Violet, it’s okay…It’s alright….shh, Violet, shh….” Devin says in soothing yet desperate tones. I just sobbed harder. Taking a deep, resigned breath, Percy says, “Gods, Violet, what’s wrong?”

“I c-can’t t-tell you…” I gasp between sobs. I feel Percy shake his head, and Devin clench his jaw in frustration.

“You can’t tell me anything, can you Vi?” Devin asks angrily, “It seems that every time something is wrong, you can’t tell me anything. And then I can’t help you feel better. It’s maddening, Violet!”

His tone surprises me so much, that I stop crying for a moment. I know I shouldn’t say what I’m about to, but I just can’t stop myself…

“Well I could say almost the same for you! It seems that every time I pick up my bow and arrow, or even mention Apollo, you flinch. You also called me ‘El’ one time. I tried to find out what the heck it all means, but no one will tell me. I want to help you too, Devin, but you have to tell me first!” I nearly yell, standing up and out of Percy’s grip.

Devin’s cheeks turn ashen with grief. He turns to Percy, giving him a questioning look like, “Should I tell her?” Percy shakes his head and puts his hands up in surrender.

“Violet…” Devin says slowly, as I think to myself how the moment of truth is finally upon us, “I…I’ll tell you later. I can’t talk about it right now…I won’t be able to without crying my brains out.”

I roll my eyes internally, but nod and sit back down. Percy takes my hand and pats in comfortingly, while Devin does the same with my other hand.

“Now, Violet,” Percy says, “What’s wrong with you?”

I open my mouth to speak, but then suddenly gasp…..


I’m falling down, down, down. I know this place…I’ve been here before…in a dream.

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