Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 We raced down the streets of Las Vegas, past the million casinos, past the million hotels, past the million casino-hotels. It was easily a hundred and ten degrees outside, and we were sure we'd die of heat exhaustion, but we kept on running. I wasn't sure what we were running from or looking for, but I was sure that the boys didn't know that either. 

 Finally, we couldn't run any longer. We paused outside the nearest hotel, the Lotus Casino and Hotel, and sat down on the side of the building. I stared up at the big, flashing neon sign, which was a big flower, with all the petals glowing up every other second. There was no one going in or out of the building, but there was a doorman that stood beside the glittery chrome doors, which were wide open. I could smell, maybe.

"Hey, kids," said the doorman with a big (and most likely fake) smile, "You look tired. Would you like to come in for a moment?" 

 I hope no one takes me for an idiot. This was most likely a trap. I mean, seriously, Devin, Percy, and I hadn't seen a shower for nearly four days, maybe. We had just run through the streets of Las Vegas in one hundred and ten degree heat. We probably looked like deep fried vagrants. But seriously, we were all so incredibly tired that we nearly cried with relief at his offer. 

 We nearly ran inside the hotel, and the first thing we said as we set foot in the main room was, "Whoa."

 The whole main room was the biggest game room I had ever seen. I could see roller coasters and an indoor water slide towards the back. The water slide was wrapped around the glass elevator. I could see a bungee-jumping bridge and a rock climbing wall. There were virtual reality games, games in 3D. Each game had a screen the size of a widescreen TV. 

 Any game you could name, this place had it. I could see a few other kids running around, playing the games, but not very many. There weren't long lines for anything. Young waitresses walked around carrying snacks on platters and there were snack bars nearly everywhere.

 I was watching two kids- a dark haired girl of about 10 and her younger brother, who must've been maybe 8 or 9, play one of the games in the corner, while the little boy fumbled with trading cards he clutched in his little hands- when a bellhop ran up to us. 

 "Hey! Welcome to the Lotus Casino and Hotel. Here's your room key."

"Um...." Percy stammered, apparently not sure of what to say. 

"No, no," the bellhop laughed, "Don't worry. Your bill is all taken care of. Just go on up to your room, 4001, on the top floor. If you need anything, just call the front desk. Here are your LotusCash cards. They were on everything in the hotel, from restaurants to games." The bellhop handed each of us a little, green, plastic card. 

 He obviously thought we were some millionaire’s kids, but we took the cards anyway. 

 "How much is on here?" Devin asked. The bellhop looked confused. 

"I mean, when does it run out of cash?" Devin asked more specifically. Seriously, this bellhop must be stupid....But instead the bellhop laughed. 

"Wow, you're funny, kid. Enjoy your stay!" Then he walked off, without answering Devin's question. He turned to Percy and I looking confused. We stared back at him. 

 "What do we do?" asked Percy.

"I say we go up to 'our' room. We haven't had a shower in days," I said. Devin sighed. 

"Fine, let's go. But we need to leave as soon as possible...I think," Devin said. 


We rode up in the amazing elevators to the top floor. We found our room and slowly opened to door. I felt my jaw drop as we entered room 4001. There were three different rooms inside, as this was obviously a suite. We all walked into our separate rooms. 

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