Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

He said his name like I should recognize it, but I didn’t. So I just gave him a friendly smile and nodded.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tristan.”

“You too, Violet,” He responded with an incredibly dazzling smile. “So, Violet, what’re you doing here anyway?”

I sighed deeply. “It’s nothing really…”

“The fame getting to you?” He asked sympathetically. I shook my head, laughing.

“Yeah…fame. No, it’s just that I was getting a little frustrated with my friend...who also happens to be my half sister…and I just…” I sighed again, staring off into the distance, “needed to calm down a bit.”

He nodded like he understood. “Yeah…wait, which friend/sister are we talking about here?” He asked, giving me a weary look.

“Well, it’s two of them, actually. Silena Beauregard and Rose-“

“No, you don’t have to say her name…” Tristan said, covering his ears.

Great. Now I find out that my new friend has secrets too.

Just. Kill. Me.

“Let me guess,” I said, “You have some messed up history with Rose that no one is going to tell me about because ‘it’s not their story to tell’?” Now just imagine that with air quotes are the latter of the sentence…

He gave me a look and a nervous laugh. “Yeah…I just…Well, long story short, I used to date Rose. We were together for a few months until she decided she liked my brother, Darren, better.” He sounded so bitter when he said that. “Every girl I’ve ever dated always ends up liking Darren better…” Bitterness overload.

“Well, I don’t actually know your brother, so don’t take this literally, but…if he truly cared about you, then he’d back off. If he just doesn’t give a crap, then that’s a different story…I’m sorry...I suck at giving advice,” I said, blushing, cursing myself for even trying to give halfway decent advice.

“No, no…” he said with a little half smile, “It’s okay…If he cares as much as he says he does, he wouldn’t pursue the girls…” He trailed off towards the end, and we sat there in silence for a few minutes.

“So…” He said, obviously hating the silence as much as I did.

“How long have you been here?” I asked, just to get some kind of conversation going. He smiled, grateful.

“Hmm…well, let’s see…Ren and I have been here for about six year. We got here when we were eight, after a hellhound attacked us when we were at school,” He says.

“Really?” I ask. “Those monsters just hate the idea of us getting an education.”

“Yeah,” Tristan said with a smirk. “What’s your story?”

“Well,” I said, rubbing my hands together as though I were cold (which it was hard to be in this June heat). “I was in my French class. It’s one of the only two subjects I was ever the best at. We were just about to get our test results back and…a troll burst through the wall…”

Tristan looked like he had to keep from laughing. I gently hit his arm.

“Is something funny?” I asked, suddenly defensive. He just exploded with laughter then, clutching his sides and falling over.

“Sorry, Violet,” He said between breaths and laughter, “You just…looked really disappointed…”

“Well, I actually liked French!”

If Looks Could Kill *Percy Jackson and the Olympians*Where stories live. Discover now