Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Stheno, I noted mentally, was a very strong fighter; but she wasn't very bright.

"Yoo-hoo! Stheno? Over here stupid!" called Devin mockingly, waving his hands above his head, and dancing around. She growled, which was a bone rattling, chilling sound, and charged at him, but just as she passed me, I thrust my sword into her left side.

 I remembered reading in about gorgons in class. I read that blood from her left side was deadly; blood from the right could cure anything. So I plunged my sword into her left side, then into her right, making deep, fatal wounds.

 Stheno started to bleed heavily. I, disgustingly enough, wiped my hand in the blood from her left, despite cries of "Violet! No!" I spread the blood on her face. Sure enough, the blood was deadly enough, and started to burn Stheno, who, unfortunately for her, wasn't smart enough to just take blood from her right.

  Before my wide eyes, I watched Stheno disintegrate. I looked at Jaime and Camellia warily, and threw Devin a look. Dominic, who had just regained his strength, came over to me.

 "Violet! Your hand!" he screeched and pulled it up to eye level.

 I fainted then and there at the sight of my burnt, nearly shriveled hand. Not only that, but I was tired from fighting Stheno, and there were cuts and bruises all over my body. I hoped no one asked questions; since Stheno could reach Jaime, Cam, and I, we were obviously out of bounds of the Camp, and that would get us a hefty punishment.

  It was just not my night, okay?

I remembered a feeling of being carried. I saw a familiar looking door, and heard people yelling for some people named Rose and Silena.

 I couldn't remember much more.

Around me, I could hear voices.

 "Will she be okay?" asked a tearful female voice.

 "Oh my gods what happened!?” asked another, but it was gruff and male.

 "VI! Can she hear me?" said another voice, ringing with worry.

"No, Percy, she can't,” said another, “She's in a coma, but it's not too bad. She should be out of it in a couple hours."

"Couple hours?" I asked groggily, “Try a couple minutes."

I heard about ten people sigh at the same time.

 "Vi!" cried Rose, clapping her hands together.

 "Thank the gods,” said Luke, smiling down at me, making me blush, “You're awake!"

 I fully opened my eyes to see that I was in the Infirmary. There were quite a few people standing sound me; Devin, Dominic, Jaime, Camellia, Rose, Percy, Luke, Silena, and Grover. I tried my best to smile at all of them.  They all beamed back at me.

"Hey Vi, howya doing?" asked Jaime in a hoarse voice. I smiled at her and said, "I've never felt this good in my life!" Everyone laughed.

"Well, we sure are glad you're okay," said Devin nervously, "We weren’t sure what happened, but then we remembered the whole thing about Stheno's blood..."

"Wait a second, wait a hot second!" I turned my head slowly to the left to look at Percy.

"You fought Stheno- one of the three gorgons?" He exclaimed.

 "Uh, yeah," I said slowly. Percy looked at me in a mix of fear, admiration, and......something else I couldn't quite place.

“Well, we helped,” said Jaime, raising her hand, and motioning to Cam, “And so did Devin.”

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