The Twenty-Fourth Chapter: Culmination

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I got instant motivation at the sight. The people at the front line had made it up to us. They discussed that their desires WERE to help us. That they couldn't stand the way their home was being ruled. We brought them to the leaders, Vana included, and they joined us officially.

I stood in boredom as Vana went and ranted off about how horrid Country was, how great it would be if we won, how we had to win, what made us stronger than them, and about fighting tactics. I was just relieved to hear that there would be a group, not inclusive of myself, which would go to shut down the computer systems.

I was zoned out the whole time just staring at the sky in its blue beauty. It looked as if rain would fall down upon everyone at any moment. I smiled happily. I closed my eyes and imagined the smell after the rain had stopped falling upon the dirt ground. Petrichor. That was my favorite smell. It made me feel calm.

Michael put his hand over my left shoulder blade. "It's time to go," he said.

I blinked out of my daze and saw hundreds of people surging forward. All with set expressions of their desire to win. All of them a possible casualty.

"Okay," I replied half zoned in.

I started walking forward and it was as if I was on slow motion. In the middle of the crowd. All the shouting seemed to blue out. Everything suddenly came back to real time, and I felt my adrenaline coursing through my body. I was ready. This would be the most effort I could possibly put into my fighting. I wanted to make sure this was the last fight. I wanted to ruin Country, but most of all- I wanted to ruin Will. If I could do that, I could be settled in life. If he was dead, then Country would die along with him. He was the only reason there were followers. Blackmail. Force. Bribes.

I ran forward, my legs strained under the speed. My feet hit the ground and pushed off. I ran back into the midst of the enemy. I looked behind me for one minute and saw Michael immediately there. Always, beside me.

I smiled, his actions made me happy. I was happy he wanted to fight with me. I was just happy- and hopeful.

I threw my fist towards an oncoming person. Then I forced them to black out after grabbing control of their soul. I already felt worn out, but I knew I needed to fight on. I knew I couldn't simply give up. Too much was on the line, and hundreds of people besides myself were fighting for this same cause. One that I needed to win. One that my parents gave their own best to win. Even though they died before seeing the world get changed. They still fought their hardest. I needed to live up to their standards, and I needed to win, even if not for the world, or not for myself, but at least for them. At least for Jackson who was probably fighting somewhere in here. For my family.

My thoughts flickered back to my book. My journal to be more specific. I thought about chapter twenty seven, and how I would look forward to it. I made it alive to turn sixteen, and so that proved I could make it longer. My goal was to now live until I had written that chapter. After this war. After the chaos.

I looked over and saw Michael fighting beautifully. He had gotten good training over with State apparently. His moves were precise, and he hardly missed his target. He seemed completely unharmed as well.

Flames instantly took over the White House. I screamed softly in surprise. I still heard fighting inside. People were still fighting. The White House was wearing of its color. It started to turn into an ashy black color from the flames. I felt the heat from the massive house, even from where I stood- a good distance away.

I turned back to the battle and a fist met my face. I fell off balance to the ground and my attacker tried to hold me to the ground as they pulled out a gun to kill me with. I started to worry if I was going to have to take another person's life intentionally or not.

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