The Eleventh Chapter: Restraint

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I woke up in the middle of the night as I heard a loud engine-like noise. It seemed to vibrate the building and worried me that it might crash down on top of me even thought the walls were plenty sturdy. My eyes flickered around the room and saw a few people sit up and listen to the sound. I looked over and saw that Michael was awake too. 

"Like the storm?" I joked in a quiet whisper.

"Mmm. I was just thinking about that," Michael murmured still half asleep.

"What is it?" Some girl whined, "I'm trying to sleep. You'd think this file room would be sound proof."

"If you don't shut up you'll be just as bad," Some tired man muttered, reminding me of a remark Michael might have made.

"It's the president. He's come for Lacey," Michael reassured with a wicked grin barely visible.

A couple people gasped and murmured of their disbelief. "How can you say that so casually?" I asked.

"What happens will happen Lacey. There's no changing the future. Everyone's got a set destiny, and to run from the challenges in life would be to run away from ourselves," Michael replied in an obviously-type tone.

"You sure are amusing when you're tired," I joked.

"Hmm. I said the same thing about you earlier didn't I?" He asked.

"Yes, you did," I confirmed.

"You're catching on quickly then," Michael praised.

"Sure, sure. Now, what I don't get is how the president has gotten here so quickly..." I stated.

"I took a jet Sweetie," A young man's voice laughed.

My heart jumped and I expected my body to cringe away from the noise, but it couldn't. I was stuck in the same place with my breathing as it grew more rapid. 

Somebody started to say, "You're..."

"The president, yes," The man confirmed. "Get on up Michael. You're carrying Lacey and following me. Unless you find death enchanting, I wouldn't advise anyone else to come along. Thank you."

Michael didn't look scared one bit. He picked me up in his arms and walked up to the president. "Ready when you are, Sir," Michael mocked.

"Brilliant," the president murmured. 

His hair was a bright blonde, and was combed carefully. He had a childish grin and appeared to only be in his twenties. I was astounded that our country let somebody so young rule it simply because he was gifted with lightness and could therefore "Protect our country better." More like destroy it better.

"There's no need calling me president on these terms. You may address me as Will." 

I glared at him. Acting so superior I wish I could kill him right then, but the restraint somehow held back the ability to sense his soul. He just annoyed me. His personality and everything. All I wanted was to know that kids in the future would be reading history books about Lacey Jen Evans, the assassin who murdered the president Will Hexlight.

"What's the matter, Lacey. Not finding that you enjoy meeting the president as much as you had hoped?" Will asked.

"More disappointed than I think words can explain," I replied sarcastically. 

"Sorry, Darling. Sometimes the truth hurts," Will laughed.

"Yeah," I sighed, "And sometimes being restrained hurts too."

"That's just a minor safety precaution," he explained. "You get to be carried around anyways. If anyone should be complaining, it's your friend Michael."

"Don't listen to him Lacey. I'm alright," Michael half ordered and half yawned.

I snorted. "Tired as ever too."

"We all are. Don't get me started. Too many stories," Michael replied.

"Michael! Lacey!" I heard Perry's voice shout. 

Michael turned and I saw all of the people I had met, Von, Fillip, Perry, Nadia, and Tsuri run towards us.

"Welcome. Bunch of brave friends you've got Lacey, Michael. Don't worry. I won't kill them. They shall just come with us," Will said maliciously.

"What's happening here!?" Von yelled. 

"Shut up and follow me," Will answered. "If I get the slightest hint you're acting out of term I'll put an end to you."

They looked shocked, just now as they realized what they had gotten into. "Sorry," I apologized, "I didn't mean to get into this mess."

"Oh, Lacey. It's not your fault at all. If anyone is to blame it's me. I didn't restrain you ONLY because you looked in that file, but because I've been interested in making the next big move in our game. It's not like I could have you looking at the escapes from your new home can I?" Will said dramatically as the door to the jet shut behind us.

"Wait... we're going to the Prison?" Michael asked.

"Yes, that's my plan," Will admitted. "Take off," he ordered, poking his head through a dividing curtain.

"Let's escape," Tsuri said.

"No! Tsuri, didn't you hear him? We'll die..." Nadia replied.

"Yes," Will said, "You WILL die. All of you. If somebody tries anything. I've got my methods. I did come prepared. I just can't wait to see how you react, Lacey."

"What do you mean?" I asked as Michael sat me in a chair across from Will and took the one beside me.

The others looked frantic and I felt horrid for them being stranded here too. It looked like they were completely shocked and couldn't think straight. They didn't even consider putting up a fight for long. I watched them eventually spread out and try to fall back asleep, as it WAS still three-ish in the morning.

"I've got a surprise waiting for you in the Prison. I think you'll enjoy it quite a lot, but not anywhere near as much as he will," Will snickered. "The poor man," he sighed.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"Spoilers, Darling. I wouldn't want to ruin the fun for you. I haven't even told him about you yet. I can be cruel sometimes can't I?" Will murmured with a wicked glance towards me. "You will see him soon enough, Lacey. You've waited so so very long. I believe it would be in your best interest to wait a little while longer. I promise it won't kill you to wait," Will laughed.

"It's not like I have a choice," I spat.

"No. Indeed you don't," Will mused.

"Can you move me Michael? I'm sick of staring at this guy," I said lazily.

"Hah," Michael said amused, "Sure thing. Sorry to take your entertainment away, Will."

"Very well. Do as you wish," Will answered.

"I'm not entertainment," I complained.

"Oh shut up Lacey," Michael commanded.

For once I actually listened to Michael and did shut up. It felt straining to talk anyways. I prayed I wasn't too heavy when Michael lifted me up for the who knows, how many time. 

"There you go," Michael murmured as he laid me down in a seat towards the back of the jet.

I wasn't sure if he wanted me to talk yet or not so I said thanks quietly under my breath. It was the thought that counted right? I hoped at least.

"Go on to sleep Lacey. Everyone else has already. You might as well too so I don't have to worry about you," Michael stated.

"Mmm," I agreed.

I was used to turning and snuggling under my covers into a comfortable position, but I was stuck to fall asleep like this. I huffed in frustration that the man who got me in this position was just a few aisles over, and alive. I resented to imagining that I would kill him later on in life and I shut my eyes and fell asleep to the humming sound of the jet.

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