The Second Chapter: Conflicting Wills

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I breathed in, out. I turned the handle and pushed through the door and dropped the key in shock. A chill ran through my weak body as I walked into the midst of a fight.

Perry was on the ground, trying to push a guy off of her. Her screams were loud, and her punches were strong. I ran towards Perry and the guy to try and help her, but Perry thrust her hand towards me and I couldn't move at all. I wanted to run to her. She had a gash on her jaw, and she was clearly losing. 

The places on her skin where the guy held her were turned dark, she looked deathly ill, her hair started turning black, and then suddenly she passed out. As she did I could move. I ran to her worried, yet angry she used her abilities to hold me back from saving her. Like I cared about danger...

"Perry..." I muttered in frustration. "Don't be so weak," I sighed.

Her heart still was still beating. She wasn't dead. Just corrupted. She wasn't going to come back soon, I was sure of that. It was like a prison sentence, except she was stuck asleep as her body revived the lightness within her and got rid of the other guy's darkness that poisoned her.

I stood up and look at the guy in front of me. He was much taller than I, and he had blond hair along with tan skin that gleamed gold. He looked incredibly strong for somebody so young. Maybe seventeen years old.  Probably. He wore normal teenager clothes, a maroon hooded jacket, white converse, and khaki shorts.

"Lacey Evans, you're coming with me," he said sternly. His face held an air of amusement that disturbed me. He might as well have started the conversation bragging about how arrogant he was.  

I crossed my arms rebelliously. "Is today 'Take Lacey Home' day!? This is getting a bit ridiculous!" I yelled back. I wasn't usually screaming at people, but this guy seriously annoyed me.

The guy snorted. "Once one man goes for the prize, don't the others then have to? That's how this world works, and that's what's happening to you. World thinks they can claim you, but State is much stronger than their weak souls. You can feel it can't you?" 

"State," I repeated. That would explain the overabundance of arrogance he has. The third governmental order. They've got the largest armies... this guy is a soldier for State? 

"I'm not turning sides. I don't agree with the beliefs of State," I said straight to the point.

"I am sure you will change your mind, Lacey," he replied.

I snorted. Lucky day for me. "What do you want me for anyways? My soul?" I responded quietly.

"Good girl. You mean allot to World. Your parents helped run the order. You're the last living Evans. The only human left alive with the capabilities of controlling souls. If we took you from World, they would crumble. State would have a better chance against Country," the guy answered cruelly. 

He approached me, and towered me. He grabbed my arms and pulled me close to his chest. "If I can control souls, then why don't I control yours right now?" I questioned curiously.

The guy laughed as a smirk spread on his face. "Because you're interested in what I have to ask you. You want to know what I what to know. You want to see what State will do to you. I'm afraid I'm still going to need to knock you out anyways."

A treacherous smile crossed my lips. "That is only to be assumed of a State soldier."

"At the minimum," he replied amused.

I shut my eyes and felt as his hand laid near my heart. I felt a force of power surge from his body. Darkness at its strongest. It felt good to let myself submit to his power. My body welcomed the feeling, and I passed out.

I was always at a constant war between the light and dark in my body. That's what gave me the capabilities to control souls. A mixture of both in my blood. Sometimes I thought there was more darkness in my soul than light. The darkness fixed my weaknesses and it had become dominant.


I opened my eyes and was in a  bedroom possibly fancier than my parents was. A golden comforter laid over my body, and the floors were marble-like and white. I slid off the mattress and tried to stand. I looked down and saw I was wearing the same blue dress I had put on earlier in the day. My coat was laid over a chair, and my shoes were beside the door. 

I wondered if this was my captor's home. It looked too nice to be a State base. I especially doubt that State would have framed photos of all aged children over their walls. 

I walked up to the photos and observed them. There were some pictures with a child that looked like a younger version of the guy who brought me here with an older girl. Some by himself, some with him and a younger boy, and some with the girl around two older people. Probably his sister and parents...

I heard the door creak open and I spun around to see who was coming in. A young boy entered the room, I indentified him as the younger child from the photos. "Hello," I said cheerily. I highly doubted he was here to torture me, so I didn't need to be hostile with him.

"H-hello," he said in an uncomfortable voice.

I sat on the end of my bed and patted a spot beside me for him to come sit. He eyed me, and then the bed. His fingers messed with his pockets, but he relented and climbed up beside me. 

"My name's Lacey Jen Evans. I'm fifteen. What is your name?" I asked, "Let me guess, are you seven?" 

The cute boy with black hair nodded his head. "My name is Theo. Theo Alexander Kingston," Theo answered cautiously.

I smiled at him. "You've got an older brother don't you? And a sister?"

He looked a bit disturbed at first but then said, "Yeah, Michael is my brother. My sister- well. She's gone for now, but her name is Theresa."

"I've got two older brothers," I replied happily, "Well, I used to at least."

Theo grimaced, but looked like he understood what I meant. He seemed like a nice kid. Such a soft relative being related to Michael... who would have though. 

A large smile grew on Theo's face and he leaned forward. "I like dogs too! And blue things!" He squinted his eyes as he kept smiling. "Like your dress and eyes!" He jumped off the bed and looked confused for a minute.  "Are you hungry? Come with me. You can help me make some pancakes since I'm too young for Mom to let me use the stove!"

"Alright," I laughed. "Are you sure it will be okay?"

"Yeah, of course it will! Mom's feeling sick anyways. So she can't make anything. We can give her some too, Lacey," Theo spoke happily.

I looked up as Theo turned around and screamed, pulling back. Michael stood in the doorway with a bemused expression. "Your dress and eyes do look nice, Lacey. Who knew I'd be so lucky to find a captive who could cook... Go on then. I won't ruin Theo's fun by stopping you," Michael said.

I glared at him as Theo thanked him. I got up and followed Theo down some stairs to their kitchen. It felt so weird, it was as if I were part of a real family again. Only, these were my enemies. Maybe on rare occasions it is appropriate to befriend enemies. Maybe sometimes we need people to debate with, people who we know will tell us the straight truth. I glance down at Theo with concern. I'd helped my mother with pancakes before, but that was six years ago... Yeah, should have mentioned that. I am just praying I don't ruin them for the kid.

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