The Fourteenth Chapter: Soul Fatality

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I paced back and forth, joyous that I could move my legs. "I want to get out," I stated bluntly.

"Get out?" Jackson asked. "How and why?"

"Oh dear Jackson. The why should be completely obvious. No offense. I just don't like the idea of living out my entire life here in the cell stuck with everyone. I would get sick of people, and I feel like things could get really awkward," I started. "As for the how... well. I'm not sure yet. I figure I can come up with something."

"Because fifteen year old girls who skipped out on high school can come up with life saving plans," Perry sighed drastically.

"Oh shut up," I muttered murderously.

"You're not doing high school?" Jackson asked me with a crazed expression.

"No," I admitted quietly.

Everyone's eyes turned on me and I felt so awkward being stuck in here. The first day and this already sucked. Not so much as an occasional nice conversation.

"Okay, so I don't think it will be that hard to get out of here," I confessed.

"You don't?" Nadia asked hopefully.

"Don't listen to her. It's impossible," Michael droned.

"It's not..." I said. "All we have to do is overpower them right?"

"Yes," Jackson replied. "But they're strong."

"Who cares," I muttered. "Have you forgotten who your little sister is?"

"I wish," Jackson laughed. "Little sisters are quite tiring."

"She's got a point," Fillip muttered. His dark skin had a glare from the lights.

"Are you serious man?" Michael asked.

"Yes," he replied. "We've got her. We've got a large group. We're all strong. It can't be hard."

"I get that," Jackson sighed. "But how do we know that the president won't just restrain one of us again?"

"It's a game he wanted. It's our move now. This risks are going to be worth it if we get out of here," I said.

"Just stop and think. Is this really worth all the hell it will cause?"

"Would you rather be stuck down here for the rest of you little life?" Von asked with a smirked expression.

"Clearly not," Michael sighed. "I just don't know if we've thought all the details through enough."

Jackson looked from me to the rest of the group. "Whatever, who cares if we die. Living in here is practically the same thing. Lacey... let's just get this over with," he stated thoughtfully. Usually I might have thought living here would make you weaker, but Jackson stayed strong and won from the hard challenges as he lived here alone.

I smiled in delight and wrapped my arms around Jackson's skinny figure. He was strong, but living here didn't help him much. All it did was made him mentally stronger.  My brother, he was stronger than I was. Yet I grew up in daily care, and he grew up in the daily tortures of living here.

My mind zoned out as everyone got into all the extra escape details. Apparently Jackson know the way out. So I didn't feel like I needed to bore myself with everyone's worries, arguments, and plans. If it had been up to myself I would have just broke out the door and made a run for the exit of the building. Once out, we could easily break into a vehicle, or probably even have good chances if we ran.

"Okay. Lacey, are you fine with the plan?" Fillip asked considerately.

"I will be alright with anything. Just as long as it gets us out of here. Preferably without any casualties," I replied simply.

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