The Fifth Chapter: Living Blood

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"We are here on request," I answered sternly. 

A slender woman rose an eyebrow. "You're here on request? We don't send requests."

Theo stood on my side looking uncomfortable. "We want to join you," he said confidently.

"Keep quiet boy. This isn't your life on the line. We don't murder children," a man said harshly.

"You know you'll never win you war if you won't even take in those who ask to join you!?" Michael yelled in frustration.

"Calm down Michael," I said under my breath. "Perry sent for us. She came to get me, but ran into some difficulties. I ended up having to make my own way here."

"Why did Perry come for YOU?" someone questioned.

I sighed and looked over at Michael. He nodded slightly and then stayed staring at the ground. "I'm Lacey Evans. That's why," my voice chorused. 

A wave of shock passed their faces. Some turned to others and hushed excluding whispers were exchanged. The woman who had spoken before stepped forward. 

"My apologies, Miss Evans. I can see your father in your eyes. A gorgeous girl you've become. Last I saw you- you were just nine... Anyways. We can take you and the boy, but your elder friend is wearing State attire. That cannot be ignored. Even for you," she said.

"Oh no..." I muttered. 

I turned and looked down at Michael's pants. He hadn't changed them. I was at a loss for a solution.

"Please, don't. He's not a bad person. He wants to help here... he brought me here. His younger brother too," I pleaded. I don't think I would normally get upset if Michael were to be killed, but I didn't want it to be for me.

The woman scrunched up her face. "I wish this was simpler, but how can we know Michael's allegiance won't fade? How do we know he won't turn to his father if things start to fail?"

"How come I don't know that you will change sides at some point in time?" I replied.

She sighed and looked exhausted. "Very well. I see your point," the woman said turning to a tall man, "Bring them inside. Take the girl to see the co-commander."

"Right away," the man said.

He had wavy red hair and very pale skin. He looked a bit too happy for this horrid world. I concentrated on sensing him and felt a strong result of lightness. Maybe that was why, since he could use light, his outlook was also affected by it.

"So you are Lacey Evans huh? Never thought I'd see you again. I'm glad to though. You're a smart girl aren't you? Maybe you can settle some of the disputes here. I'm Ben."

"Yes," I replied simply, "I guess we'll see, but if there really is something-anything- that I could help with, please let me know."

Ben laughed. "You'll regret saying that. I feel like there's always something being strategized, or somebody getting into a fight, just constantly. It might be an odd atmosphere at first, but I think you guys can get used to it."

Ben lead us across dirt paths between all sorts of buildings before he stopped at one with a worn wall, separated by thin cracks. "Come on inside," he ordered.

We followed Ben into the building which looked a lot like a high tech office. I guess it could have been. The room we walked into had a very high ceiling and maps tacked to the walls.

We ended up walking through the room into a stairway which went down underground. Once we reached the bottom we were in a large room with metal doors placed randomly along the walls. There were people down here talking and laughing. They were all around my age and made me feel uncomfortable to walk into the middle of them, yet I felt even worse for Theo who was clinging to Michael's hand.

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