Perceiving the depth of feeling in Lauren's eyes, Dinah was sure beyond a doubt that she felt exactly the same, but Lauren's heart and stomach must not have been in sync because the latter chose that very moment to voice it's concerns once again.

Both chuckling at the interruption of their sweet moment, Lauren sat up in place on Dinah's hips, Dinah following to give her body a hug and kissing her cheek gently.

"Come on, let's sneak down and get some food. Everyone should still be asleep."

Creeping down the stairs with the early morning light shinning dimly through the hallway windows, Lauren placed her feet gently in the spots she knew had no creaks. She knew Dinah's home almost as well as the girl herself and they had snuck downstairs in the early morning before the rest of Dinah's family had awoken countless times before.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Lauren gasped as she felt her body being picked up before she could place her feet safely on the floor.

"Don't do that!" She whispered harshly, smacking Dinah's arm as her girlfriend began carrying her bridal style to the kitchen. "You know I'm afraid of heights."

"Lo, there was literally two steps left." Dinah placed Lauren on the edge of the counter with an eye roll and turned to her fridge to evaluate their choices.

"So, we've got cereal, or I could make some eggs and..."

"Babe, if you can't even handle pancakes, there's no way I'm letting you send poor little chicken embryos to hell with the colonel."

Dinah stopped her examination of the fridge to poke her head out and stare at Lauren in mortification. Her bottom lip jutted out which made her look like a puppy who had just been kicked.

"No... Dinah... I was just kidding. They're not fertilized yet."

"I've been eating baby chicks?"

Lauren forced herself not to laugh at Dinah's small injured voice.

"No baby, they're just the egg. There's no baby chicken in there when you eat it. But I'd still rather you not butcher our breakfast. Let's just have cereal ok?"

Dinah rolled her eyes again and reached back into the refrigerator to grab some milk, setting it on the counter next to her girlfriend before stretching up to a high shelf in the cabinets to grab a box of cereal. Lauren sat swinging her legs off the counter, admiring the way Dinah's ass looked in her boxer shorts, and how her shirt rose with her arms as she reached up high.

Dinah was so fucking long; all arms and legs and a long toned torso that contrasted Lauren's shorter frame and made her absolutely weak the longer she stared, drooling over Dinah like she was the breakfast about to be served. She looked so sexy first thing in the morning. Lauren squeezed her thighs together on the counter trying not to think about how long Dinah's fingers were also.

"How about fruity pebbles?" Dinah turned around to catch Lauren's eyes on her ass and she smirked, knowing that Lauren had been checking her out the whole time.

Lauren started blushing as soon as she saw Dinah's smirk and heard the chuckle forming on her lips.

"Shut up. Your pussy is a fucking fruity pebble. I'd rather eat that." Lauren chuckled herself as she saw Dinah's mouth fall open.

Now it was Dinah's turn to blush.

"You sure you don't want to go have breakfast in bed Lo?"

"I think... we should eat breakfast right here, and then go take a nice hot shower. I still feel gross from being in the locker room showers last night. Besides, we never did finish what we started there did we?" Lauren allowed a sly smile to tug at her lips as she saw Dinah's eyes darken. It had only been a few days, but it was like they couldn't stop craving each other. If Lauren was being honest, sex with Dinah was probably what consumed her mind the most ever since she had had it. It was all she could think about. Besides they hadn't exactly consummated their new relationship yet.

The Art of the Game (Laurinah)Where stories live. Discover now