30 [No, Desiree, I will not take my pants off!]

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“Do you think this is too blue?” I asked Louis, holding up the navy blazer from the rack.

“How can something be too blue?” he questioned, an eyebrow quirked.

“I dunno! I just wanna make sure Haz will like it. Or do you think it's a bit too predictable?”

“Just get him that one,” Lou suggested, pointing out the black leather jacket beside it. I sighed and reluctantly slid the blazer back onto the rack, retrieving the jacket instead.

“Alright, so that marks Harold off the Christmas present list. Now that just leaves you, Zayn and Liam”.

“Ha! You have to get me two things 'cos it's my birthday too!” Lou cackled. I groaned but agreed nonetheless. After all, it was only fair.

We had got to the 'mall' (as they say over here across the pond) about an hour and a half ago. Damien flew back to England yesterday, much to Zayn's relief. I was disappointed, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't help but share Zayn's feelings on it too, as now I don't have to put up with their petty arguing.

...I'm such a hypocrite.

I had bought Niall a personalized charm necklace, containing an Irish clover, a guitar, a microphone and the letter D. The good thing about it is, as time goes on and we experience new things, he can add charms to it. I had bought Damien a new laptop as he had broken his a month or so ago. Consequently, we'd had to rely on phone calls to keep in contact. Now we could Skype any time we liked. I bought my mum a beautiful, gold photo frame with intricate patterns carved into it. I had printed off a photo from my phone earlier of me, Damie and my mum, and was going to place that in there for her. And as you know, I had just bought Harry a black leather jacket which looked like it would suit him.

I guess one of the perks of being famous is you have more money than you know what to do with – the family always expects rather extravagant gifts from me each year.

“Lou, put your beanie back on, we're gonna get noticed!” I hissed at the boy as I saw him rip his grey beanie from his head, shaking his dark hair free. He whined like a child but hesitantly slipped it back on. We were clad in disguises similar to what we wore the night we went out to complete the set of challenges Harry had assigned. I repressed a laugh at the recollection of the forfeit I had to carry out. Harry and I had to kiss. We're not even embarrassed about it any more; we've laughed about it on several occasions.

We soon found ourselves sauntering into the nearby book store as Louis had mentioned that Liam wanted the last Harry Potter book of the series. Niall borrowed his old one, and left it in Ireland. I insisted I could get him something bigger and more expensive, but Louis assured me that Liam prefers smaller presents on Christmas. He's not a huge fan on people spending a lot of money on him. What a cutie.

I adjusted my oversized Christmas sweater as we lurked into the fiction section. It was quite a crowded area, and my paranoia began to creep in – the fear that we were going to get recognised and cause a commotion. That was honestly the last thing I wanted, especially on our week off for just relaxing and doing what we wanted.

My fingers glided over the spines of the books, attempting to find the specific one. Absent-mindedly turning around, I kept my voice down as I scolded Louis yet again.

“For God's sake, Boo! Put your beanie back on!” my voice was a hushed whisper but it still held authority.

“But it's hot in here,” he whined.

“Just do it!”

I saw a smirk tug at his mouth and his eyes twinkle with mischief. I know Lou well enough to know he was up to something. “Lou, what are you up to?” my voice dropped an octave.

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