7 [That seemed like a pretty productive night...]

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My head felt like a bloody punching bag! I groaned as I rolled over in my bed. What I was stupid enough not to realize, however, was that I was already at the end of the mattress. I screamed as I toppled out of the bed, the sheets wrapping around my limbs like a spider's web. I lay there for a few moments, dazed from the sudden 'awakening', before stumbling up and gradually making my way to my dressing table, eyes still half closed. I sat down in front of the mirror as I observed my reflection. The remains of the makeup on my face was smudged underneath my eyes and my ruby red lipstick was faded and smeared round my mouth. I couldn't help but think of the Joker. My hair was surprisingly decent – pretty messy, but then, what morning hair isn't? I was still wearing the same dress from last night and still had one shoe on. I kicked it off and after removing my makeup with some wipes, I changed into a black tank top and some sweatpants. I brushed my hair but kept it down – it looked pretty decent. I couldn't be bothered to have a shower, my head was still pounding like hell and I couldn't really remember much that happened last night. I recalled sitting with Louis and Niall at the bar drinking shots, dancing with...Harry Potter? Is my mind just creating fictional memories or something? And then I remember climbing a tree with Harry...? What?

Well, from what I can actually remember, that seemed like a pretty productive night...

I was so relieved I had a few days off from vocal practise, or any type of work. After that, I'm gonna be working so hard – it will be a tiring year, but it has to be done if I want to save my career.

A knock at the door startled me momentarily, before I slowly sauntered towards it. I hope it at least didn't appear like I was suffering from a huge hangover – Phil would be really pissed. I swung it open and smiled, in my attempts to act casual. It instantly faded, however, when I realized that it wasn't in fact Phil at my door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I scowled at him.

“You forgot this,” he returned the dirty expression, holding out my clutch purse. I snatched it out of his hand and stormed back into my suite. I was surprised to see that he followed me in and shut the door behind him.

“Why do you have my purse, Asshole?” I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

“Can you not call me that?”

“Can you not answer my question with a question?”

He sighed at my difficulty, “I took my jacket off in the club and Liam put it in my pocket. Not like I wanted to come here”.

“No, you know what?” I raised my voice, slamming my purse down on the table which caused him to jump slightly, “What is your problem with me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Ever since I first met you, you've had it in for me. What have I done to you to make you hate me so much?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Um, I don't know, maybe 'cos it's pissing me off like hell?! And not to mention the fact that we're going to be stuck with each other for a year. All the other boys are lovely to me, why do you have to be so difficult?”

“That's none of your concern-”

“If you have a problem with me, Asshole, then say it to my face!” I yelled. He appeared startled at my outburst, as was I.

“I don't have to do anything you tell me to do,” he sneered through clenched teeth.

“Have I done something wrong?” my voice dropped in volume. I decided to try and play the sympathy card.


“Have I done something to upset you?”

He watched me for a few moments as if I was an unpredictable, untamed animal. “No”.

“Then why do you hate me?”

He sighed, raking his hands through his dark quiff. “S'nothing”. Before I could argue any further, he turned on his heel and opened the door. Just as he was about to close it, he glanced back at me. “Oh, by the way, you look awful without makeup,” for the first time since I had met him, he grinned at me, flashing his pearly-white teeth.

I returned the smile, “And you look awful all the time, Asshole”. He laughed lightly through his nose before shutting the door completely. I shook my head slowly as I smiled to myself. Who is this boy? I just don't understand him.

Guys, eh? 


Sorry for the shortness, next chapter is my favourite one yet though. It does get better, I promise! Thanks for reading! :) x

Fights, Camera, Attraction // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now