29 [I'll kidnap you, Lou, only because I love you]

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(A/N: This is a filler chapter but the next one will be more fun (Lesiree/Douis moments) and in the next few chapters, it will start to take off. SHIT WILL BE GOING DOWN AROUND LOUIS' BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS TIME)

“Snap!” I screamed, leaping from my chair, causing it to scrape back and tip over. Damien huffed and slapped his cards onto the table. I pumped my fist into the air victoriously whilst my brother watched on, amusedly.

“You're so weird,” he stated.

“Don't talk to the Queen of Snap like that, peasant”. I'm the best at card games, and Damien never fails to be a sore loser. He always has been, even when we were kids.

Four of the boys had went out for the evening to get food and maybe go to a club, whilst Zayn, Damien and I were alone on the tour bus. Paul had also escorted them, whilst my security guard, Phil, had went back to England for a while to stay with his daughter and wife.

My brother and I were currently in the games room, whilst I was unaware of Zayn's whereabouts. Probably in his room or something. He's been sulking for a good hour now.

“Whatever. Anyway, I'm hungry. Can you make me something?” Damien asked, leaning back on his chair.

“No. Why should I?”

“'Cos you love me and I'm the guest”.

“At least say please”.

Pleeease my darling sister, whom I shall love forever and always, would you be kind enough to make your beloved brother something to eat so he doesn't die?”

I made a fart noise with my tongue as I sauntered towards the kitchen.

Damn brother.

I decided, because I'm such a nice person, that I was going to make Zayn one as well, since as far as I know, he hasn't eaten since straight after our recording session a few hours ago.

Ten minutes passed and I had two sandwiches on plates in each hand, as I approached the games room. I was about to open the door when I could hear a muffled conversation on the other side. Being the nosy little swine that I am, I decided to press my ear against the door and eavesdrop.

“...anything would happen...” I could tell that voice belonged to Zayn.

“You never know, she's had terrible taste in men before...”

No I haven't! Well...I may have made some mistakes in the relationship department when I was younger, but who-


They're talking about me?

...This suddenly got way more interesting...

“Thanks, buddy.” Due to the sarcasm oozing from his tone, I could tell Zayn was rolling his eyes. “And like I said, it's not as if anything is gonna happen anyway”.

“Yeah, you're damn right about that. I know you have a thing for her, I've known that since the moment I first lay my eyes on you when you tried to punch me. But you keep away from her, alright? You don't deserve her”.

“I know that”.

Wait, what?! I'm obviously misinterpreting this, I probably began listening to this conversation at the wrong moment and out of context so it sounds like something it's not.

“She could do so much better than you, and I'm warning you now: You so much as lay a finger on her and you won't even live to regret it, understand?”

“Mate, you're going to be sodding off back to England in a few days. You can't stop me doing jack shit”.

“Don't even start, Malik”. Alright, this is my cue to step in. I knew this would happen soon. They can't even have one conversation without it escalating into an argument.

Fights, Camera, Attraction // Zayn MalikOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant