13 [Giant nipple as your mouth?]

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A few days had passed since mine and Zayn's heart-to-heart at the poolside. It was going on evening and we were currently in Harry's room. It was bigger than mine, but messier because, well...it was Harry's room. We were playing a game of 'Would You Rather' whilst the boys were sipping on beers and I had a glass of vodka skittles.

“Niall, would you rather...have mouths as nipples or a giant nipple as your mouth?” Louis asked.

After a chorus of laughter, and Niall over-thinking his answer, he eventually responded. “Mouths as nipples 'cos I could easily hide them under my shirt or something and also I wouldn't be able to sing if I had a giant nipple as my mouth”.

“Or kiss Desiree,” Harry winked.

“Exactly!” he laughed, leaning forward to peck the corner of my lips. I made a gagging noise before taking a large sip of my drink, wincing at the intensity of the alcohol.

“You alright there, Dez?” Liam chuckled. I nodded, my face still scrunched up.

“Okay, Louis...” Niall began, “Would you rather...eat a cat or a pile of toenails?”

“Oh my God, what the hell?!” Louis laughed loudly. “Uh...a cat? I don't know!”

“This is sooo boring,” Zayn complained, picking at his stupid nails.

“Well what do you suggest then?” Liam asked.

“How about truth or dare?” Louis asked excitedly, bobbing up and down on his knees. I would say he's had too much alcohol but...it's Louis. He's always like that.

“Sounds good,” I nodded, and the rest of the group mumbled out agreements.

“Alrighty, who wants to start?” Niall asked, clapping his hands together.

“Oldest starts!” Louis declared, raising his arm in the air like a child. Before anyone could protest, he turned to Harry. “Haz, truth or dare?”

“Pfft dare!” Harry scoffed.

“I dare you...to strip down to your boxers and stand on the balcony outside for ten seconds. The paps are out there now”.

“Eh, nothing that they haven't seen before,” he muttered as he pulled off his blazer and shirt, before unbuckling his jeans and stepping out of them. The other boys were laughing but didn't really seem fazed. Harry proceeded to bound over to the balcony door and slide it open, stepping confidently out into the open. I could hear the shouts and clicks of cameras from where I was seated. As instructed, Harry hurried back in after we counted down from ten. He plopped down cross-legged on the floor and took another swig of his beer. “Okay...Niall,” Harry pointed to the blonde, “Truth or dare?”

“Ah...truth”. Groans of protest chorused throughout the group.

“Boooring,” I teased, taking another large sip of my drink. My head was beginning to feel pretty heavy.

“Fine...do you currently fancy anyone?” Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows. What a juvenile question.

“Nope,” Niall grinned.

“Fine, let me rephrase that. Who was the last person you fancied?” Harry questioned curiously. Niall's smile faltered.

“Uh...” he rubbed the back of his neck whilst his eyes flicked to me, “Dez, actually”.

“Really?!” I asked, more flattered than creeped out.

“Mm hmm...I thought you were really funny and genuine when I saw you the first time on Alan Carr”.

“Okay, love birds, moving on,” Liam snickered. Niall's cheeks flushed before his eyes scanned our gang. “Um...Liam, truth or dare?”

Twenty five minutes or so passed, and by this time, everyone was just picking dare. They were getting more intense and awkward. I had zoned out a few times, but from what I can remember with my mind clouded over by alcohol was Niall made out with Harry, Louis ran around the room stark naked, Liam got his leg waxed, and Zayn poured a jar of pickled onions down his stupid chinos. I'm not going to repeat some of the things I did. Let's just say I get pretty competitive with these kinds of games, and so never fail to complete the dares. The boys were soon to pick up on this and so were giving me increasingly outrageous tasks. “Dezzy Dinosaur,” Harry addressed me, snapping me out of my day dream. He had a sly smile plastered across his face, indentations surfacing either side of his mouth. “Truth or dare, my dear girl?”

“Dare obviously,” I smirked.

“I dare you...” he began crawling over to me on his knees until he was right up in my face. I could smell the beer on his breath, “To kiss Zayn”.

Fights, Camera, Attraction // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now