4 [Curly Fry? Really?]

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I wished I could see Damien and my mum at least one more time before I left, but the reason I said goodbye a week in advance was because I was staying at a hotel in the next town and was far too busy. How terrible is that? I was too busy to see my own family!

I often re-evaluated my life's decisions, wondering if I really had chosen the correct path. But I soon shake it off and assure myself that I am just following my dreams, aiming high. And that doesn't come without making sacrifices. Life doesn't come easy.

I had agreed to an over-the-phone interview for a magazine and was in the car when my built-in phone began to ring. I answered it and greeted into the speaker. “Hey, this is Desiree Iverson”.

“Hello Miss Iverson, my name is Sarah from Bliss magazine. Would you be okay with me asking you a few questions?”


“Thank you, miss. Now, there have been rumours that apparently you are starting a new tour again very soon? Could you please confirm or deny this?”

“Yes, I am actually. As early as next week at the beginning of November. I'm collaborating with One Direction”.

“Oh that's exciting! It's great to hear you are getting back to your music, Miss Iverson. Please don't take this the wrong way but people have been concerned you were considering retirement”.

“Nah, you won't get rid of me that easily!” I joked. Soft laughter stemmed from the other end of the line.

“Okay, brilliant! I'm sure our readers will be delighted to know that! Okay, moving on, there have also been rumours that you had a brief fling with Robert Pattinson no more than a month ago...”

“No, no. I can deny that accusation. Rob and I are merely friends, if you can even say that. Acquaintances perhaps? But definitely nothing more”.

“Alright, thank you for clearing that up. It has been sparking up quite the debate on Twitter”.

“I feel so special,” I joked.

“Okay, thank you very much, Miss. Now, we have a few questions here from your fans. Would you mind answering them?”

“Of course not”.

“Beth and Gina from Suffolk are asking 'What's your best advice for getting famous?'”

“Well,” I began, choosing my words carefully as to not sound big-headed, “My success was from aspiring to do what I want to do. I was just lucky enough to be found doing what I love most. So I think the best advice I can give is don't set your expectations too low – if you are made for stardom then it will happen. But don't give up. And absolutely do not become famous for the sake of being famous, make it be because performing is your passion and it is what you want to do. I know it seems like the easy life but it's honestly not. You have to make the commitment and unwillingly make difficult sacrifices”.

“Some wise words there, thank you Miss Iverson. Our next question comes from Haleema in Doncaster. She asks: 'Have you got a boyfriend?'”

“No, no. I'm about as single as they come,” I laughed, “I guess I just haven't found the right guy yet”.

“Only a matter of time before you find the gentleman you deserve!”

“Thank you, Sarah,” I smiled.

“Here's a question from Johnson in London, asking – oh wait, no. we'll move on from that one-”

“No, what did it say?”

“It's not really appropriate, Miss Iverson. I don't think you'd like to hear it”.

“Tell me”.

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