8 [Come join our orgy!]

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Well, today's the day. The day I had been anticipating yet dreading for a few weeks now. Today was the beginning of my year-long tour with five idiots.

I exited the hotel to find Phil flinging my last suitcase into the back of our van before sliding the door shut. Luckily, it was pretty bloody early in the morning so there weren't any paps. Phil turned around as he heard my feet tapping against the pavement, eyeing my outfit skeptically. “Why aren't you dressed?”

“I am. These are clothes, aren't they?” I gestured my hands down my body.

“You know what I mean, Dez. You're not going to the airport in that”.

“Wow Philip, I didn't know you were my own personal Gok Wan as well as my security guard. Two in one deal right there!”

He simply rolled his eyes. “Get back into your room and get changed, Desiree”.

“Nah, I rather like this look. Could start a new fashion trend, couldn't I? I think I totally rock PJ's”. Yeah, you heard right. I am totally wearing my pyjamas right now, and I've gotta say, I looked pretty damn fine in them – not gonna lie. Nah, I'm just kidding, but if I'm honest, it was too early in the morning and I simply couldn't be bothered to get changed. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?

I think that's what differentiates me from other celebrities. The majority of them can't leave out the front door without a full face of makeup and outfits probably costing more than your car. But I just cannot be bothered. I apologize for being the same as every other human being on Earth and having some imperfections.

After Phil eventually gave up on attempting to persuade me to change into a presentable outfit, I hopped into the van and we drove off to the airport.

I'm not sure how long exactly it took to get there, as I was listening to music from my earphones, but I think it was roughly three quarters of an hour. We clambered out and I grabbed one of my suitcases – a big pink one with wheels so I could drag it. I offered to take another but Phil insisted it was his job and so carried the other billion. Well, I'm obviously exaggerating, but you get me.

I smoothed out the creases on my white vest top and pulled a few more strands out of my bun to give it an even more messy look. I don't know why exactly, but I kinda enjoy looking bad in front of paparazzi. I'm guessing it's 'cos they most likely get paid less for the pictures. Heh heh.

As we entered the airport, I was immediately bombarded with flashing lights and the constant clicking of cameras.

“Desiree, over here!”

“Miss Iverson, can we get some pictures?”

“Please can we have a few shots, Miss Desiree?” I turned to the last pap, a young looking lanky boy with greasy black hair. He seemed surprised as I approached him.

“Why yes, because you were kind enough to say the magic word,” I grinned. He smiled back gratefully as he snapped a picture instantly.

“Hey! I wasn't ready!”

He smiled sheepishly before I struck a few poses, mostly consisting of me going cross-eyed or presenting the duck face.

“Come along, Desiree,” Phil ordered, grabbing my forearm and dragging me from the crowd of paps. I heard the boy timidly shout out a thanks before disappearing into the crowd. Hmm...nice lad.

See? I can be kind when I want to be!

As I walked on further ahead, my attention was turned to a familiar brunette boy who seemed to be a little lost. He was standing by himself, awkwardly searching for someone he recognized.

Fights, Camera, Attraction // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now