“You can tell him when you take Payton back,” Speaking of Payton she had disappeared. Like she had sensed our thoughts turning towards her she yelled for us. We went to see that she had opened the third door and it led to the out side. We were at the base of the mountains. There was a tilled field that was fenced off like it was supposed to be a garden of some sort. There was a slow flowing river that would be perfect for fishing. The other side was a forest that was probably good for hunting. This was set up in the perfect place to live providing everything for yourself.

Once we were done exploring the immediate area I noticed the sun was pretty high in the sky, “Oh no Payton you have to be home remember?” A look of panic hit her face and we were all running through the cave and back to the main house. Payton and I jumped on the quad and as I turned it around Ash was already taking off through the trees leading the way.

Payton was home just in time to leave again with Makayla to go on patrol. Ash showed me to where Alpha Michael normally was this time of day. Ash knocked and with Alpha’s approval we entered his office.

“What brings you two here?”

“Aiden here had something to tell you.” Ash nudged me slightly.

“I found some keys at my house, that’s how I got the key to the safe house, we went searching for where the second key went and it turns out it goes to a bomb shelter style safe house my grandpa had built. It cuts through the mountains to an area that is perfect for survival.”

“You found it?”

“Yea the entrance is in the old in-law suite to my moms house.”

“Well that is wonderful. Do you know where the other keys go?”

“I havent had a chance to look. I wanted to see what you thought of it all.”

“Well Aiden, it is great that you found this. You can keep that key until we need it. You should take over where your granddad left off in it. As for the other keys do you know what they said?”

“Living like bears and Basement Dweller.”

“The bears you might want to see if you can find a cave somewhere. Basement dweller I’m not sure where to tell you.”

“Do you know any other buildings around here that my grandpa spent time?”

“There is a fishing Shack north of your house. I think thats about it though.”

“Well I will keep looking and let you know what I find.”

“Sounds good to me. How close are you to shifting?”

“I haven't gotten it to work but when I found that shelter today I kind of felt a pull. I was thinking about going back later tonight to try to shift.”

“sometimes pups have trouble shifting and we send them off with a warrior to shift. Kind of like a quest to find your wolf. If you felt a pull you should go there but There has been a band of rogues hanging close and I think maybe you should take a warrior with you. When you are in the middle of a shift you are very vulnerable. Ash happens to be a warrior, I’m sure he could go with you a few days.”

“I wouldn't want to impose.”

“As a warrior it is his duty to protect the pack. You may not have had your ceremony but with your bloodlines it's just as close. Besides it will only take a couple days if you have found the pull.”

“If he wants to go then I would be happy to have him.”

“Young Alpha Nairo I would be honored to accompany you.” Ash’s formality was shocking but it let me know just how seriously they took bloodlines. Ash grabbed his things and put them on my quad before shifting and running towards my house. I followed quickly behind him.

Walking in my house I was excited to see emily walk past me. She is only a few days old but she has developed to what seems like a one year old. Grayson and Evianna are the same the only difference being they can't climb the baby gate yet. Picking emily up and avoiding looking at those green eyes that would surely make me feel bad for bringing her to mom I headed to the living room where I actually only found dad and he was asleep on the couch. I tapped him a wake and handed him the struggling Emily before asking if Ash and I could go camping so I could find my wolf. When I told him how close to the old in law suite I would be he finally agreed. Just as I was getting ready to leave Emily seemed to get to the bursting point of her frustration because she turned from looking like a one year old baby to looking like a baby snow leopard.

Emily in her animal form was almost blindingly white with dark black markings showing proof she was indeed a snow leopard. As Ash and I gushed over it all Dad ran quickly to find a camera and take pictures. Apparently mom had to run to the store and so he was going to have to be able to show her. It seemed after a while like Emily wouldn’t shift back to her human form. Though I was worried I was glad that at least she wouldn't be able to jump the baby gate while my dad was home alone with them and had no mom for backup.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now