Chapter 8

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Caleigh most definitely is the prankster in the house, always pulling pranks on everyone. It was really entertaining since she did it when you least expected it. Sometimes others would try to prank her, but unfortunately most of the time it failed. Due to the fact she expects it's coming or hears them laughing. After another failed prank attempt, Caleigh remembered today's the eviction.

Everyone already had the idea of who they were going to evict. It's Joey. No one could trust her. Surprisingly they could trust Christine more than Joey. Caleigh got herself ready for the day, changing into shorts and a t-shirt after she had her shower. In a hour or two it was the eviction. She was actually kinda happy it was going to be over, because then it was the HOH. Caleigh knew for a fact it had to be a mental competition since they already had two HOH competitions that were physical. So she was expecting that Cody would probably not do that great. Don't get her wrong she knew Cody was smart. But she also knew he did better during physical competitions.

Unfortunately, Caleigh can't vote to evict anybody since she was head of household and they already had the veto ceremony a few hours ago. Caleigh did not use the veto which kept her nominations the same.

At the eviction, Joey was evicted. Everyone said their goodbyes as she headed out the front door to meet Julie. Which meant it was just about time for the new HOH competition to begin. Of course Caleigh could not participate since she was the outgoing head of household. So Caleigh just had to sit out on the side lines watching and seeing who would become the next HOH of the summer. She just hoped Cody, Derrick, or even Nicole would pull off the win. So all of the people she was aligned with would be safe.

Julie explained the rules to the competition. It was true or false. People got the wrong answers one by one it went down to the last five, thankfully Cody was still able to compete and did not get eliminated yet.
Caleigh smirked to herself as she sat on a white stool then speaking "Hey, Cody! If you win I'll give you a smooch on the lips." she calls out, with a smirk, giving Cody something to fight for other than HOH. This caused all the houseguests ' ooo'd ' and ' awed ' Caleigh's smirk remained especially when she realized that Cody looked then more determined to win the HOH so he would get a kiss.

diary room :

" Ugh, Caleigh of course has to make Cody more determined to win by adding a kiss, don't get me wrong I like Cody and Caleigh but I want to win this HOH. I can't have these lovebirds winning again. " Zach rants.

out of dr.

Caleigh continued to watch the houseguest get picked off one by one as they loose to the others. She sighed. Leaning back against the chair. Praying Cody would win cause honestly she would love to give him a kiss. But she was just waiting for the right time to do so and she thought maybe if he won HOH it would be a great time. Plus it made him more determined to win. Not that she was not using him, since Caleigh really does like him, but she can't let the showmance get in the way of the half a million dollars. You never know they may continue the relationship outside the house, even if they both may live in Jersey at the moment. After the show she had been planning to move back to her hometown in Canada (Not that anyone knew she was from there) but being with Cody may make her change her mind though.

The competition went on for a little longer, the final two houseguests that were in the fight to win are Cody and Zach. She thought maybe Zach would pull it off. But she was rooting for Cody. She had her fingers crossed while biting the inside of her cheek. "C'mon, Cody. " she mutters a few times under her breath to herself. " I know you can pull it off. "

diary room :

" I really really hope Cody pulls this off, since I sorta did put a target on my back this week. By winning two competitions the Veto and HOH. Plus he really deserves this. " Caleigh spoke.

out of dr.

Julie asked the last question, Cody put " True. " and Zach put " False. "  Julie then spoke " Cody, congratulations you are the new head of household! " Julie exclaimed. Caleigh smiled, hopping out of her seat to walk over "Hm...I think I owe you
something, Mr. Calafiore. " she admits, as she then placed a kiss on his lips, Cody immediately kissing back. After a few more seconds of bliss, Caleigh pulled away, leaving Cody shocked that she actually kissed him. "Wow. Uh..." Cody was surprisingly a bit red and speechless, which caused her to smile, like she had been a lot lately. She took the key off from around her neck and put it on his, the two then walked inside the house, of course after everyone congratulated Cody on his win.

On the inside she was shocked. That Cody pulled off a mental competition. Since he was not that great at those at all. She wasn't sure if this was luck or if he was playing a bit dumb the first mental competition which was the veto.

Caleigh hugged him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder. " So uh? That kiss. " he brings up quietly, a playful smirk on his lips, " What about it? " she asked, raising an eyebrow looking at him, taking her head off his shoulder. "Will we um ever do it
again? " he asked, hinting at the fact that he'd like to. Caleigh shrugs her shoulders
" Maybe. " she teases, he nodded. Cody could take a maybe, that is for sure. It was better than nothing.

After an hour Caleigh was off doing her own thing, talking with some of the other houseguests. She thought to herself  what if Cody made her be a have not just to joke around with her. She doubted he would do that since he was a cuddly guy and would want a cuddle buddy up in the HOH room.

Caleigh was walking past the bee room noticing that Nicole being her clumsy self knocking over nail polish remover and the nail polish. Caleigh tried not to laugh, but she decided to help since she wasn't as clumsy as Nicole was at all. She then took the nail polish and the remover and took it into the bathroom putting it under the cupboard "Thank you, I was having a lot of trouble with that for some reason." the blonde admitted, chuckling a bit, with a small smile on her lips which quickly turned into a smirk. Something Caleigh wasn't used to Nicole doing at all.

"You looked like you enjoyed that kiss with your man." Nicole teases, cheerfully, clearly a bit excited that they kissed.

"Well, he is a good kisser. " Caleigh admits, blushing a bit as she said that. Caleigh knew she was blushing and didn't make a lot of eye contact as she walked out of the bathroom along side Nicole. Cody, Zach, Frankie and Derrick were upstairs talking about who he was going to put up. Caleigh decided to not go up there at least not yet, so Nicole and her went out into the backyard where the sun was shining so bright. " It's really hot out today. " Caleigh muttered, missing the outside world a bit more today, but she was having a great time in the Big Brother house.

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